I am generating an XML spreadsheet thru ASP using the FSO. The spreadsheet will be opened via Excel. In one cell I need to show several pieces of data on their own line inside the cell.
I am pulling info from an Oracle database and no matter what character I use for a carriage return (have tried chr(13), vbNewLine, vbcrlf, chr(10) and chr(10)&chr(13)) all do add a carriage return to show each piece on a separate line but all also add an open box character to the line.
Does anyone know how to get the carriage return inside the cell but without the open box character?
The ReplaceIt function shown in the code below just replaces single and double quotes.
Actual code:
'create fso objects
fso.CreateTextFile "e:\Webpages\Intern\excel\" & strFileName ' Create a file.
Set f = fso.GetFile("e:\Webpages\Intern\excel\" & strFileName)
Set ts = f.OpenAsTextStream(ForWriting, TristateUseDefault)
'store db value in variable
strDepthAccum = chr(10) & ", " &objRSStand("strDepthCatDesc")
'write xml line later
with ts
.write "<Cell ss:StyleID=""Verdana""><Data ss:Type=""String""><![CDATA[" & ReplaceIt(strDepthAccum) & "]]></Data></Cell>" & vbcrlf
I am pulling info from an Oracle database and no matter what character I use for a carriage return (have tried chr(13), vbNewLine, vbcrlf, chr(10) and chr(10)&chr(13)) all do add a carriage return to show each piece on a separate line but all also add an open box character to the line.
Does anyone know how to get the carriage return inside the cell but without the open box character?
The ReplaceIt function shown in the code below just replaces single and double quotes.
Actual code:
'create fso objects
fso.CreateTextFile "e:\Webpages\Intern\excel\" & strFileName ' Create a file.
Set f = fso.GetFile("e:\Webpages\Intern\excel\" & strFileName)
Set ts = f.OpenAsTextStream(ForWriting, TristateUseDefault)
'store db value in variable
strDepthAccum = chr(10) & ", " &objRSStand("strDepthCatDesc")
'write xml line later
with ts
.write "<Cell ss:StyleID=""Verdana""><Data ss:Type=""String""><![CDATA[" & ReplaceIt(strDepthAccum) & "]]></Data></Cell>" & vbcrlf