This might not be the right place to post this but it would help me to decide which cert to start working towards. This summer I will be receiving my Computer Maintenance and Networking Associate. With this associate I can go for a Computer Science Bachelor or a Networking Bachelor. I would prefer to go for the networking bachelor as I would enjoy that more, but I feel that options are more limited in the networking field. If I cant find or have trouble getting a networking job then what are my options? If I go for the Computer Science degree I more types of jobs available to me. Also it seems that the salary cap in the networking field is lower than the cap in the computer science field. I am not looking for you guys to tell me which to pick, but just enlighten me with your views or if I am wrong about any of this stuff. I am just trying to get more information to think about. Thanks for you help and insight.h cert to start working towards.