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Cards attached to phone sets? 1

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Technical User
Jun 15, 2005
I have received an odd question - our communications department was wondering if there was some sort of device (business card size) that could be attached to a phone (mainly Nortel 39XX sets) that would remind staff on how to answer the phone correctly - such as smile when answering.

I know this sounds weird - I couldn't figure out what they wanted initally.

They could create these cards and just tape them to the phones, but phone real estate is limited without covering up keys or speakers.

how does an outside party know if you are smiling or if you are in your pajamas?
Depends on the type of phones you have, but a label printer might do the job. It really depends on the shape of the space available.
Ya, I know.....it's odd. Most of the phones we use are Nortel Meridian 39XX with some IP sets (11XX and 12XX).

Our corporate communications department are trying to ensure that our public (we are a local government) gets the same cheerful greeting and always helpful responses to all their inquiries.

I had suggested broadcast emails or broadcast voice mails, but they wanted something that staff could have in hand that would remind them every time they picked up their handsets.

Like I don't have enough to do :-D
How about a Post-it® note affixed in some manner to the phone [ponder]

Actually, your voice does sound a little bit differently if you smile while talking.

If it ain't broke, I haven't fixed it yet.
Stick something to the handset? Maybe a big smiley?

Or shoot the communications department and hand out the cash saved to the poor buggers on the phone. That'll make them smile.

To be honest this kind of crap is more likely to **** them off than make them smile.

Stick up some demotivation posters. That'll make them happy.

I'd recommend this one:


Robert Wilensky:
We've all heard that a million monkeys banging on a million typewriters will eventually reproduce the entire works of Shakespeare. Now, thanks to the Internet, we know this is not true.
Gotta agree with Sympology on this one. One of our call centers had something similar on their phones, and after the first couple of days, the note just faded into the background for the agents.

However, one team lead obtained red staplers for her group. Now THAT made them smile!

You can have it all. You just can't have it all at once.
I'd recommend leaving the phone's alone. sticking stuff to them makes cleaning them a sod.

Piece if paper printed out, stuck to the desk and completely cover in selotape works. Plus it can be much bigger.

To be honest though this is a training issue not a telecommms one!

umm,it IS supposed to do that, right??
Anyone remember the old Lily Tomlin routine where she calls up Mae West and advises her that it is against the law to affix Rhinestones to property of the phone company.

"We are the phone company. We currently have over 80 billion dollars in assets. We could give up providing services tomorrow and still turn a profit. We are the phone company and we don't care."

'Who is this guy named Lo Cel and why does he keep paging me?'
A huge Broadway tote sign hung up so all can see would be better !a raise may make help too !
You would be better off and more effective to have someone stand behind the person and smack them in the back of the head.


Aastra Authorized Reseller
Smile while answering the phone."

The last time I made a point of smiling at work they followed lockdown protocol for a hostage-taking incident.

'Who is this guy named Lo Cel and why does he keep paging me?'
We use something called "CAD" for our call centers. Basically a preprogrammed script that pops up everytime you recieve a phone call, i.e "you have reach abc company how may i direct your call?

Here is the definition of CAD:

Call Attached Data (CAD) is an incredibly useful feature that allows agents, supervisors and end users to enter critical call information and notes into a pop-up “Post-It Notes” window. Customized Call Attached
Data fields can be built using the CAD Set-up tool in MXadministrator, allow companies to create questions, content and notes fields for the pop-up window. CAD data notes and information are attached to each unique call and will follow a call through the queing and call transfer process, so agents and operators will be able to access the notes at every step of the call.

There a slide show about CAD on this link:

"voice & data solutions"
Ahhh screen pops, love them until the pc grinds to a halt and your agent looks a idiot waiting for the message.

Robert Wilensky:
We've all heard that a million monkeys banging on a million typewriters will eventually reproduce the entire works of Shakespeare. Now, thanks to the Internet, we know this is not true.

I don't think your request is odd. I do telecom for a health network and we have a customer service initiative called "Legendary Impressions" - we want to go above and beyond the expectations of our customers so they talk about how great we are - it does have a positive impact.

We have special dialing procedures for patient rooms for long distance calls, and I have had custom made die-cut labels produced that explain to the patients how they need to dial LD calls and 800 calls. We place them on the handset of the patient phones, but they are sized about the size of a standard address label and they fit equally well on a standard handset.

We also have other special labels made for "Rapid Response" that are much smaller and will go almost anywhere on a phone. I'm not exactly sure where they are getting those from.

It would not be inconceivable to have a small sticker on the phone in a spot near the display if the phone has one (because they will look there) that says:

Answer with a smile
In your Voice

The place I use for the larger die-cut labels is McLoone Metal Graphics - they are near LaCrosse WI. They make all sorts of labels and tags, etc. The ones we have appear to be vinyl with out info silkscreened or web printed on them and then there is a clearcoat over the top. They are very durable and they don't make the phone skanky when you take them off unless you yank on them and rip them really hard - then they will leave some adhesive behind that cleans up with an alcohol wipe. I buy my labels in lots of 500 and they last a long time. I typically replace about 60 patient phones a year that get dropped on the floor and broken, just wear out, or worse. For $12.50 each if someone barfs on a phone it's going right in the trash chute!!

Another idea i´ve seen implemented at some sites is placing a mirror so the agent can see him/herself while talking on the phone, the managers at those sites said it has improved customer service because when you look at yourself you have a nicer attitude and that reflects on the sound of your voice.
Just a thought. On the 3904's I remember seeing a line that sometimes has the buiness name and at other locations said Nortel in the middle of the screen. Im not sure where you program this or how many characters you have but a quick line there might work. guess you could post something in the Meridian forum and they could tell you.


there may not be any stupid questions
but their is a bunch of inquizative idiots
(myself included at times)
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