I have recently purchased Premier 6 and would like to know how I might capture images or video from DVD. I have a super VHS cassete which I will be transferring to DVD. In addition, can movie DVD images and clips be captured?
The single hardest step is the capturing part; simply because it is impossible for current desktop computers to record at full quality or even true real-time mpeg compression. If you want to record at good quality, you'll need to spend the money on a good hardware mpeg encoding board.
is widely considered to be a top manufacturer, I've never bought one yet, but they're always very highly reviewed. Those cards have their own capture software. Then you can use Premier to edit the video.
For dvd's, just get a DeCSS software & then an ecoding software like FlaskMPEG or Vidomi.
Those sites will give you a good idea on where to go with your current budget.
Don't buy your analog capture card on the cheap, just cause you'll get what you pay for, and if you choose a usb capture solution over PCI, make sure both the capture device and your mobo are usb 2.0 compliant.
FlaskMPEG has been fine for me to make a good high quality AVI from a DVD that can be manipulated in Premiere, though you may have to extract the .wav file from the .avi first depending on your current version of premiere.
My Matrox RT.x100 capture card does wonderful realtime mpeg2 capture for authoring dvd's... though it's probably out of your price range @ $1000 US dollars. It has a little brother though that's a bit cheaper... the RT.x10
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