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Capture Files not Writing

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Technical User
Feb 4, 2002
I have a script I have written for accessing and running/downloading data in our switches. The porblem is I am calling it from another script and the capture function no longer seems to work. The way it is supposed to work is that the Data is written to certian file in the C:\Temp Data\Raw Data\Directory. However when I call this script from an master script all of the data is written to the capture file specified in the ProComm Directory. In addition the Correct file is written in the correct directory with NO DATA???? I have added variuos USERMSG's for troubleshooting, and they all display the correct information.

Anyone have any ideas?

string sAnalog = "Analog66.txt"
string sACSU = "Consoles66.txt"
string sATNDG = "ConsoleGrp66.txt"
string sDnit = "Dnit66.txt"
string sHunt = "Hunt66.txt"
string sBcsuStat = "BcsuStatus66.txt"
string sBcsuTble = "BcsuTable66.txt"
string sDigital = "Digital66.txt"
string sKasu = "Kasu66.txt"
string sKepro = "Kepro66.txt"
string sFwding = "Forwarding66.txt"
string sName = "Name66.txt"
string sPuGrp ="PickGroup66.txt"
string sRecorder ="Recorder66.txt"
string sRms = "Rms66.txt"
string sSbcsu = "Sbcsu66.txt"
string sSdDig ="SpeedDigits66.txt"
string sSdLst ="SpeedLists66.txt"
string sSubFeat = "SubFeat66.txt"
string sSwitchID = "SiteId66.txt"
string sTCSU = "TrkList66.txt"
string sTGACC = "TrkGrp66.txt"
string sAcctNum, s_Line
string NormalCap = "OldCapture.cap"
string CapPath ="C:\Temp Data Files\Raw Data\"
string OldCapPath ="C:\Program Files\Symantec\Procomm Plus\Capture"

Proc main
string CmrAnalog, CmrACSU, CmrATNDG, CmrBcsuStat, CmrBcsuTble, CmrDigital, CmrDnit, CmrHunt
string CmrKasu, CmrKepro, CmrFwding, CmrName, CmrPuGrp, CmrSdLst, CmrSdDig, CmrRecorder
string CmrRms, CmrSbcsu, CmrSubFeat, CmrSwitchID, CmrTCSU, CmrTGACC, sCompany, sUserID
string sPassword, sMisc
; this is were the sAcctNum is stored.
; it is a file with a 7 digit number only.

fopen 1 "C:\program files\symantec\procomm plus\capture\CMRFile.txt" READ TEXT
fgets 1 s_Line
strcpy sAcctNum s_Line

; These are the files where the data should be written!

usermsg "sAnalog is: %s" sAnalog
strfmt CmrAnalog "%s_%s" sAcctNum sAnalog
usermsg "CmrAnalog is: %s" CmrAnalog
strfmt CmrACSU "%s_%s" sAcctNum sACSU
strfmt CmrATNDG "%s_%s" sAcctNum sATNDG
strfmt CmrDnit "%s_%s" sAcctNum sDnit
strfmt CmrHunt "%s_%s" sAcctNum sHunt
strfmt CmrBcsuStat "%s_%s" sAcctNum sBcsuStat
strfmt CmrBcsuTble "%s_%s" sAcctNum sBcsuTble
strfmt CmrDigital "%s_%s" sAcctNum sDigital
strfmt CmrFwding "%s_%s" sAcctNum sFwding
strfmt CmrKasu "%s_%s" sAcctNum sKasu
strfmt CmrKepro "%s_%s" sAcctNum sKepro
strfmt CmrName "%s_%s" sAcctNum sName
strfmt CmrPuGrp "%s_%s" sAcctNum sPuGrp
strfmt CmrRecorder "%s_%s" sAcctNum sRecorder
strfmt CmrRms "%s_%s" sAcctNum sRms
strfmt CmrSbcsu "%s_%s" sAcctNum sSbcsu
strfmt CmrSdDig "%s_%s" sAcctNum sSdDig
strfmt CmrSdLst "%s_%s" sAcctNum sSdLst
strfmt CmrSwitchID "%s_%s" sAcctNum sSwitchID
strfmt CmrSubFeat "%s_%s" sAcctNum sSubFeat
strfmt CmrTCSU "%s_%s" sAcctNum sTCSU
strfmt CmrTGACC "%s_%s" sAcctNum sTGACC

; This script executes at the Direct Amo Prompt
capture OFF
pause 2
transmit "^M"
waitfor "# "
transmit "ufamos -d^M"
waitfor " <"
set capture path CapPath
usermsg "CapPath is: %s" CapPath

set capture file CmrSwitchID
set capture overwrite ON
set capture query OFF
capture ON
waitquiet 3
transmit "DIS-DBC;^M"

waitfor " <" FOREVER
capture OFF
waitquiet 5
set capture path CapPath
set capture file CmrACSU
set capture overwrite ON
set capture query OFF
capture ON
waitquiet 5
transmit "REGEN-ACSU;^M"

waitfor " <" FOREVER
capture OFF
waitquiet 5
set capture path CapPath
set capture file CmrATNDG
set capture overwrite ON
set capture query OFF
capture ON
waitquiet 5
transmit "DIS-ATNDG:;^M"

waitfor " <" FOREVER
capture OFF
waitquiet 5
set capture path CapPath
set capture file CmrDnit
set capture overwrite ON
set capture query OFF
capture ON
waitquiet 5
transmit "REGEN-DNIT;^M"

waitfor " <" FOREVER
capture OFF
waitquiet 5
set capture path CapPath
set capture file CmrHunt
set capture overwrite ON
set capture query OFF
capture ON
waitquiet 5
transmit "DIS-HUNT:;^M"

waitfor " <" FOREVER
capture OFF
waitquiet 5
set capture path CapPath
set capture file CmrRecorder
set capture overwrite ON
set capture query OFF
capture ON
waitquiet 5
transmit "REGEN-RCSU;^M"

waitfor " <" FOREVER
capture OFF
waitquiet 5
set capture path CapPath
set capture file CmrSbcsu
set capture overwrite ON
set capture query OFF
capture ON
waitquiet 5
transmit "REGEN-SBCSU;^M"

waitfor " <" FOREVER
capture OFF
waitquiet 5
set capture path CapPath
set capture file CmrTGACC
set capture overwrite ON
set capture query OFF
capture ON
waitquiet 5
transmit "REGEN-TGACC;^M"

waitfor " <" FOREVER
capture OFF
waitquiet 5
set capture path CapPath
set capture file CmrBcsuStat
set capture overwrite ON
set capture query OFF
capture ON
waitquiet 5
transmit "DIS-BCSU:STAT,;^M"

waitfor " <" FOREVER
capture OFF
waitquiet 5
set capture path CapPath
set capture file CmrBcsuTble
set capture overwrite ON
set capture query OFF
capture ON
waitquiet 5
transmit "DIS-BCSU:TBL,;^M"

waitfor " <" FOREVER
capture OFF
waitquiet 5
set capture path CapPath
set capture file CmrTCSU
set capture overwrite ON
set capture query OFF
capture ON
waitquiet 5
transmit "REGEN-TCSU:,;^M"

waitfor " <" FOREVER
capture OFF
waitquiet 5
set capture path CapPath
set capture file CmrRms
set capture overwrite ON
set capture query OFF
capture ON
waitquiet 5
transmit "REGEN-RMS;^M"

waitfor " <" FOREVER
capture OFF
waitquiet 5
set capture path CapPath
set capture file CmrAnalog
set capture overwrite ON
set capture query OFF
capture ON
waitquiet 5
transmit "REGEN-SCSU:ANATE,;^M"

waitfor " <" FOREVER
capture OFF
waitquiet 5
set capture path CapPath
set capture file CmrName
set capture overwrite ON
set capture query OFF
capture ON
waitquiet 5
transmit "REGEN-PERSI:STN,;^M"

waitfor " <" FOREVER
capture OFF
waitquiet 5
set capture path CapPath
set capture file CmrDigital
set capture overwrite ON
set capture query OFF
capture ON
waitquiet 5

waitfor " <" FOREVER
capture OFF
waitquiet 5
set capture path CapPath
set capture file CmrFwding
set capture overwrite ON
set capture query OFF
capture ON
waitquiet 5
transmit "REGEN-DEST:CFW,;^M"

waitfor " <" FOREVER
capture OFF
waitquiet 5
set capture path CapPath
set capture file CmrKasu
set capture overwrite ON
set capture query OFF
capture ON
waitquiet 5
transmit "REGEN-KASU;^M"

waitfor " <" FOREVER
capture OFF
waitquiet 5
set capture path CapPath
set capture file CmrPuGrp
set capture overwrite ON
set capture query OFF
capture ON
waitquiet 5
transmit "REGEN-PUGRP:SYS;^M"

waitfor " <" FOREVER
capture OFF
waitquiet 5
set capture path CapPath
set capture file CmrSdDig
set capture overwrite ON
set capture query OFF
capture ON
waitquiet 5
transmit "REGEN-SDDIG:SYS;^M"

waitfor " <" FOREVER
capture OFF
waitquiet 5
set capture path CapPath
set capture file CmrSdLst
set capture overwrite ON
set capture query OFF
capture ON
waitquiet 5
transmit "REGEN-SDLST:SYS;^M"

waitfor " <" FOREVER
capture OFF
waitquiet 5
set capture path CapPath
set capture file CmrKepro
set capture overwrite ON
set capture query OFF
capture ON
waitquiet 5
transmit "REGEN-KEPRO:ALL;^M"

waitfor " <" FOREVER
capture OFF
waitquiet 5
set capture path CapPath
set capture file CmrSubFeat
set capture overwrite ON
set capture query OFF
capture ON
waitquiet 5
transmit "REGEN-SUBFT;^M"

waitfor " <" FOREVER
capture OFF
waitquiet 3
set capture path OldCapPath
set capture file NormalCap
set capture overwrite ON
set capture query OFF
transmit "^D"
waitfor "# "
transmit "exit^M"
waitfor "ATZ"
transmit "^M^M^M"
waitfor "login: "
capture OFF
Here is a Simplified Version with the same problem,

proc main
string DirPathID = "C:\Program Files\Symantec\Procomm Plus\*.DIR"
string sDirName = "TempDir.txt"
string fName = $DDIRFNAME
string AcctNum = "" ; User Input Company (CMR) Number
string Directory ; Path for dirpath control.
string FileToFind ; File from directory list box.
string sName ; Name of Connection Directory entry
string s_Line = "", s_Bucket = "", s_CbxType = "", sSmrVer = ""
string s_CbxRel = "", s_CbxMod = "", s_KV = ""
string Ver2 = "9006.2", Ver3 = "9006.3", Ver4 = "9006.4", Ver5 = "9006.5", Ver6 = "9006.6"
string sSixTwo = "62.txt", sSixThree = "63.txt", sSixFour = "64.txt", sSixFive = "65.txt"
string sSixSix = "66.txt"
string sAreaCode, sComma = ",", sCompany
string sMisc, sPassword, sPhoneNumber, sUserID, sSuffix = ""
integer len = 0, nItem = 0
integer iEntries ; Number of entries in dialing class
integer Count = 0 ; Used for loop.
integer Event
integer iCount ; Loop variable for # of Entries
dialogbox 100 192 96 149 154 3 " Capacity Study Report Type Selection"
pushbutton 101 26 7 100 24 "Single Site from ProComm"
pushbutton 107 47 125 50 19 "CANCEL" CANCEL
while 1
dlgevent 100 Event ; Get the dialog event.
SWITCH Event ; Evaluate the event.
CASE 100 ; No event occurred.
CASE 101 ; Single Site from ProComm was chosen
dlgdestroy 100 CANCEL ; Destroy the dialog box.
; usermsg "RUN Single site from ProComm Directory"
sdlginput "Account" "Enter CMR Number:" AcctNum
; Display a Dialog box with a DirPath
; and Directory List box.
dialogbox 0 280 66 158 192 11 "Choose a file"
dirpath 1 34 2 90 13 Directory
dirlistbox 2 8 17 142 129 DirPathID SINGLE FileToFind 1 SORT
pushbutton 3 57 159 40 14 "&OK" OK DEFAULT
dlgevent 0 Event ; Get the dialog event.
SWITCH Event ; Evaluate the event.
CASE 0 ; No event occurred.
CASE 2 ; Something was chosen.
dialload FileToFind
dialcount DATA iEntries ; Get number of data entries
FOR iCount = 0 upto (iEntries - 1)
dialname DATA iCount sName ; Get name of entry based on index
set dialentry access DATA sName ; Turn on dialentry f/Current entry
fetch dialentry areacode sAreaCode
fetch dialentry phonenumber sPhoneNumber
fetch dialentry company sCompany
fetch userid sUserID
fetch password sPassword
fetch misc sMisc
strcpy s0 sCompany
IF strcmp sCompany AcctNum
usermsg "S0 is: %s" S0
fopen 2 "C:\program files\symantec\procomm plus\capture\CMRFile.txt" CREATE TEXT
fwrite 2 S0 7
fClose 2
; usermsg "strcmp Match Company is: %s" sCompany
; usermsg "strcmp Match sName is: %s" sName
; usermsg "Found it!"
dial DATA sName
while $DIALING ; Loop while dialing.
IF $CARRIER ; See IF we're connected.
transmit "^M" ; Send a string to say hello.
Waitquiet 2
transmit "^M"
execute "SCSCKey.wax"
execute "9006 Diag.wax"
isfile "C:\program files\symantec\procomm plus\capture\OutFile.txt"
fopen 1 "C:\program files\symantec\procomm plus\capture\OutFile.txt" READ TEXT
fgets 1 s_line
strfind s_line "Release is :"
substr s_Bucket s_line 22 6
strcpy s_CbxRel s_Bucket
s_Bucket = ""
IF strcmp s_CbxRel Ver2
strcpy sSuffix sSixTwo
usermsg "sSixTwo is: %s" sSixTwo
usermsg "sSuffix is: %s" sSuffix
call Data_Collect with (sSuffix)
IF strcmp s_CbxRel Ver3
strcpy sSuffix sSixThree
usermsg "sSixThree is: %s" sSixThree
usermsg "sSuffix is: %s" sSuffix
call Data_Collect with (sSuffix)
IF strcmp s_CbxRel Ver4
strcpy sSuffix sSixFour
usermsg "sSixFour is: %s" sSixFour
usermsg "sSuffix is: %s" sSuffix
call Data_Collect with (sSuffix)
IF strcmp s_CbxRel Ver5
strcpy sSuffix sSixFive
usermsg "sSixFive is: %s" sSixFive
usermsg "sSuffix is: %s" sSuffix
call Data_Collect with (sSuffix)
IF strcmp s_CbxRel Ver6
usermsg "sSixSix is: %s" sSixSix
strcpy sSuffix sSixSix
usermsg "sSixSix is: %s" sSixSix
usermsg "sSuffix is: %s" sSuffix
call Data_Collect with (sSuffix)
errormsg "Sorry, not connected."
usermsg "Error No Carrier"
usermsg "End of Script"
dlgdestroy 0 CANCEL ; Destroy the dialog box.
dlgdestroy 0 CANCEL ; Destroy the dialog box.
CASE 3 ; Something was chosen.
default ; Exit case chosen.
dlgdestroy 0 CANCEL ; Destroy the dialog box.
EXITWHILE ; Exit the loop.
dlgdestroy 100 CANCEL ; Destroy the dialog box.
dialcount DATA iEntries ; Get number of data entries
for iCount = 0 upto (iEntries - 1)
dialname DATA iCount sName ; Get name of entry based on index
set dialentry access DATA sName ; Turn on dialentry for the current entry
fetch dialentry areacode sAreaCode
fetch dialentry phonenumber sPhoneNumber
fetch dialentry company sCompany
fetch userid sUserID
fetch password sPassword
fetch misc sMisc
strcpy s0 sCompany
IF strcmp sCompany AcctNum
usermsg "strcmp Match Company is: %s" sCompany
usermsg "strcmp Match sName is: %s" sName
usermsg "The two strings are identical."
dial DATA sName
while $DIALING ; Loop while dialing.
IF $CARRIER ; See IF we're connected.
transmit "^M" ; Send a string to say hello.
Waitquiet 2
transmit "^M"
execute "SCSCKey.wax"
execute "9006 Diag.wax"
isfile "C:\program files\symantec\procomm plus\capture\OutFile.txt"
fopen 1 "C:\program files\symantec\procomm plus\capture\OutFile.txt" READ TEXT
fgets 1 s_line
strfind s_line "Release is :"
substr s_Bucket s_line 22 6
strcpy s_CbxRel s_Bucket
s_Bucket = ""
; See IF the two strings match.
IF strcmp s_CbxRel Ver2
usermsg "sSixTwo is: %s" sSixTwo
strcpy sSuffix sSixTwo
usermsg "sSixTwo is: %s" sSixTwo
usermsg "sSuffix is: %s" sSuffix
call Data_Collect with (sSuffix)
; execute "9006 Ver 62 Capacity Study.wax"
IF strcmp s_CbxRel Ver3
usermsg "sSixThree is: %s" sSixThree
strcpy sSuffix sSixThree
usermsg "sSixThree is: %s" sSixThree
usermsg "sSuffix is: %s" sSuffix
call Data_Collect with (sSuffix)
; execute "9006 Ver 63 Capacity Study.wax"
IF strcmp s_CbxRel Ver4
usermsg "sSixFour is: %s" sSixFour
strcpy sSuffix sSixFour
usermsg "sSixFour is: %s" sSixFour
usermsg "sSuffix is: %s" sSuffix
call Data_Collect with (sSuffix)
; execute "9006 Ver 64 Capacity Study.wax"
IF strcmp s_CbxRel Ver5
usermsg "sSixFive is: %s" sSixFive
strcpy sSuffix sSixFive
usermsg "sSixFive is: %s" sSixFive
usermsg "sSuffix is: %s" sSuffix
call Data_Collect with (sSuffix)
; execute "9006 Ver 65 Capacity Study.wax"
IF strcmp s_CbxRel Ver6
usermsg "sSixSix is: %s" sSixSix
strcpy sSuffix sSixSix
usermsg "sSixSix is: %s" sSixSix
usermsg "sSuffix is: %s" sSuffix
call Data_Collect with (sSuffix)
; execute "9006 Ver 66 Capacity Study.wax"
errormsg "Sorry, not connected."
usermsg "Error No Carrier"
usermsg "End of Script"
dlgdestroy 0 CANCEL ; Destroy the dialog box.
EXITWHILE ; Exit the loop.
CASE 107 ; Something was chosen.
EXITWHILE ; Exit the loop.
default ; Exit case chosen.
dlgdestroy 100 CANCEL ; Destroy the dialog box.

proc Data_Collect
param string sSuffix
string CapPath ="C:\Temp Data Files\Raw Data\"
string OldCapPath ="C:\Program Files\Symantec\Procomm Plus\Capture"
string NormalCap ="C:\Program Files\Symantec\Procomm Plus\Capture"
string CmrAnalog, CmrACSU, CmrATNDG, CmrBcsuStat, CmrBcsuTble, CmrDigital, CmrDnit, CmrHunt
string CmrKasu, CmrKepro, CmrFwding, CmrName, CmrPuGrp, CmrSdLst, CmrSdDig, CmrRecorder
string CmrRms, CmrSbcsu, CmrSubFeat, CmrSwitchID, CmrTCSU, CmrTGACC, sAcctNum = ""
string sAnalog = "Analog", sACSU = "Consoles", sATNDG = "ConsoleGrp", sDnit = "Dnit"
string sHunt = "Hunt", sBcsuStat = "BcsuStatus", sBcsuTble = "BcsuTable"
string sDigital = "Digital", sKasu = "Kasu", sKepro = "Kepro", sFwding = "Forwarding"
string sPuGrp ="PickGroup", sRecorder ="Recorder", sRms = "Rms", sNameRpt = "Name"
string sSbcsu = "Sbcsu", sSdDig ="SpeedDigits", sSdLst ="SpeedLists", sSubFeat = "SubFeat"
string sSwitchID = "SiteId", sTCSU = "TrkList", sTGACC = "TrkGrp", sLine
fopen 1 "C:\program files\symantec\procomm plus\capture\CMRFile.txt" READ TEXT
fgets 1 sLine
strcpy sAcctNum sLine
usermsg "sSuffix is: %s" sSuffix
strfmt CmrAnalog "%s_%s" sAcctNum sAnalog sSuffix
usermsg "CapPath is: %s" CapPath
usermsg "CmrAnalog is: %s" CmrAnalog
strfmt CmrACSU "%s_%s" sAcctNum sACSU sSuffix
strfmt CmrATNDG "%s_%s" sAcctNum sATNDG sSuffix
strfmt CmrDnit "%s_%s" sAcctNum sDnit sSuffix
strfmt CmrHunt "%s_%s" sAcctNum sHunt sSuffix
strfmt CmrBcsuStat "%s_%s" sAcctNum sBcsuStat sSuffix
strfmt CmrBcsuTble "%s_%s" sAcctNum sBcsuTble sSuffix
strfmt CmrDigital "%s_%s" sAcctNum sDigital sSuffix
strfmt CmrFwding "%s_%s" sAcctNum sFwding sSuffix
strfmt CmrKasu "%s_%s" sAcctNum sKasu sSuffix
strfmt CmrKepro "%s_%s" sAcctNum sKepro sSuffix
strfmt CmrName "%s_%s" sAcctNum sNameRpt sSuffix
strfmt CmrPuGrp "%s_%s" sAcctNum sPuGrp sSuffix
strfmt CmrRecorder "%s_%s" sAcctNum sRecorder sSuffix
strfmt CmrRms "%s_%s" sAcctNum sRms sSuffix
strfmt CmrSbcsu "%s_%s" sAcctNum sSbcsu sSuffix
strfmt CmrSdDig "%s_%s" sAcctNum sSdDig sSuffix
strfmt CmrSdLst "%s_%s" sAcctNum sSdLst sSuffix
strfmt CmrSwitchID "%s_%s" sAcctNum sSwitchID sSuffix
usermsg "CmrSwitchID is: %s" CmrSwitchID
strfmt CmrSubFeat "%s_%s" sAcctNum sSubFeat sSuffix
strfmt CmrTCSU "%s_%s" sAcctNum sTCSU sSuffix
strfmt CmrTGACC "%s_%s" sAcctNum sTGACC sSuffix,
capture OFF
pause 2
transmit "^M"
waitfor "# "
transmit "ufamos -d^M"
waitfor " <"
capture OFF
waitquiet 5
set capture autostart OFF
set capture path CapPath
set capture file CmrSwitchID
set capture overwrite ON
set capture query OFF
capture ON
waitquiet 3
transmit "DIS-DBC;^M"
waitfor " <" FOREVER
capture OFF
waitquiet 3
set capture path CapPath
set capture file CmrACSU
set capture overwrite ON
set capture query OFF
capture ON
waitquiet 3
transmit "REGEN-ACSU;^M"
waitfor " <" FOREVER
capture OFF
waitquiet 3
set capture path CapPath
set capture file CmrATNDG
set capture overwrite ON
set capture query OFF
capture ON
waitquiet 3
transmit "DIS-ATNDG:;^M"
waitfor " <" FOREVER
capture OFF
waitquiet 3
set capture path CapPath
set capture file CmrDnit
set capture overwrite ON
set capture query OFF
capture ON
waitquiet 3
transmit "REGEN-DNIT;^M"
waitfor " <" FOREVER
capture OFF
waitquiet 5
set capture path CapPath
set capture file CmrHunt
set capture overwrite ON
set capture query OFF
capture ON
waitquiet 3
transmit "DIS-HUNT:;^M"
waitfor " <" FOREVER
capture OFF
waitquiet 3
set capture path CapPath
set capture file CmrRecorder
set capture overwrite ON
set capture query OFF
capture ON
waitquiet 3
transmit "REGEN-RCSU;^M"
waitfor " <" FOREVER
capture OFF
waitquiet 3
set capture path CapPath
set capture file CmrSbcsu
set capture overwrite ON
set capture query OFF
capture ON
waitquiet 3
transmit "REGEN-SBCSU;^M"
waitfor " <" FOREVER
capture OFF
waitquiet 3
set capture path CapPath
set capture file CmrTGACC
set capture overwrite ON
set capture query OFF
capture ON
waitquiet 3
transmit "REGEN-TGACC;^M"
waitfor " <" FOREVER
capture OFF
waitquiet 3
set capture path CapPath
set capture file CmrBcsuStat
set capture overwrite ON
set capture query OFF
capture ON
waitquiet 3
transmit "DIS-BCSU:STAT,;^M"
waitfor " <" FOREVER
capture OFF
waitquiet 3
set capture path CapPath
set capture file CmrBcsuTble
set capture overwrite ON
set capture query OFF
capture ON
waitquiet 3
transmit "DIS-BCSU:TBL,;^M"
waitfor " <" FOREVER
capture OFF
waitquiet 3
set capture path CapPath
set capture file CmrTCSU
set capture overwrite ON
set capture query OFF
capture ON
waitquiet 3
transmit "REGEN-TCSU:,;^M"
waitfor " <" FOREVER
capture OFF
waitquiet 3
set capture path CapPath
set capture file CmrRms
set capture overwrite ON
set capture query OFF
capture ON
waitquiet 3
transmit "REGEN-RMS;^M"
waitfor " <" FOREVER
capture OFF
waitquiet 3
set capture path CapPath
set capture file CmrAnalog
set capture overwrite ON
set capture query OFF
capture ON
waitquiet 3
transmit "REGEN-SCSU:ANATE,;^M"
waitfor " <" FOREVER
capture OFF
waitquiet 3
set capture path CapPath
set capture file CmrName
set capture overwrite ON
set capture query OFF
capture ON
waitquiet 3
transmit "REGEN-PERSI:STN,;^M"
waitfor " <" FOREVER
capture OFF
waitquiet 3
set capture path CapPath
set capture file CmrDigital
set capture overwrite ON
set capture query OFF
capture ON
waitquiet 3
waitfor " <" FOREVER
capture OFF
waitquiet 3
set capture path CapPath
set capture file CmrFwding
set capture overwrite ON
set capture query OFF
capture ON
waitquiet 3
transmit "REGEN-DEST:CFW,;^M"
waitfor " <" FOREVER
capture OFF
waitquiet 3
set capture path CapPath
set capture file CmrKasu
set capture overwrite ON
set capture query OFF
capture ON
waitquiet 3
transmit "REGEN-KASU;^M"
waitfor " <" FOREVER
capture OFF
waitquiet 3
set capture path CapPath
set capture file CmrKepro
set capture overwrite ON
set capture query OFF
capture ON
waitquiet 3
transmit "REGEN-KEPRO:ALL;^M"
waitfor " <" FOREVER
capture OFF
waitquiet 3
set capture path CapPath
set capture file CmrPuGrp
set capture overwrite ON
set capture query OFF
capture ON
waitquiet 3
transmit "REGEN-PUGRP:SYS;^M"
waitfor " <" FOREVER
capture OFF
waitquiet 3
set capture path CapPath
set capture file CmrSdDig
set capture overwrite ON
set capture query OFF
capture ON
waitquiet 3
transmit "REGEN-SDDIG:SYS;^M"
waitfor " <" FOREVER
capture OFF
waitquiet 3
set capture path CapPath
set capture file CmrSdLst
set capture overwrite ON
set capture query OFF
capture ON
waitquiet 3
transmit "REGEN-SDLST:SYS;^M"
waitfor " <" FOREVER
capture OFF
waitquiet 3
set capture path CapPath
set capture file CmrSubFeat
set capture overwrite ON
set capture query OFF
capture ON
waitquiet 3
transmit "REGEN-SUBFT;^M"
waitfor " <" FOREVER
capture OFF
waitquiet 3
set capture path OldCapPath
set capture file NormalCap
set capture overwrite ON
set capture query OFF
transmit "^D"
waitfor "# "
transmit "exit^M"
waitfor "ATZ"
transmit "^M^M^M"
waitfor "login: "
capture OFF
To make sure if I understand this correctly, if the script is run manually and not from the master script, then all works well? Is the Data_Collect procedure in the second script you posted the standalone script pulled into that script, or is the entire second script the standalone script?

One thing I did notice is that you have the NormalCap defined as a path, but then later use it to set a capture file's name using set capture file. You only want to have the name of the capture file specified in a variable such as this as the path should be specified using the set capture path commmand, as you do elsewhere in the script. I recall that weird things can happen in this case, probably not setting the capture file name properly would be my guess without testing.

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