I often use confirm() to give user one final chance to accept or cancel an action. Prior to confirm(), I block screen by changing properties on a layer which effectively blocks the entire screen - Using opacity, the user can still see the screen content but nothing can be clicked on.
For the first time ever I decided to just close the confirm() dialog box and was stunt to find that the script neither reads it as OK nor CANCEL ... and my content remains blocked.
This is NOT good!!! I am sure you can see why.
Is there a way to capture this or am I dunned and will have to change my methods?
The good thing about not knowing is the opportunity to learn - Yours truly, 2008.
For the first time ever I decided to just close the confirm() dialog box and was stunt to find that the script neither reads it as OK nor CANCEL ... and my content remains blocked.
This is NOT good!!! I am sure you can see why.
Is there a way to capture this or am I dunned and will have to change my methods?
The good thing about not knowing is the opportunity to learn - Yours truly, 2008.