1. Is there any way to hide Maximize button but keep the Minimize button visible and functional? If you simply disable it, it stays visible.
2. How to add a button to form's caption bar which minimizes the window to tray (you can see such thing, for example, on GetRight windows - a button with little dot in the corner)?
3. How to add custom items to system menus (the one you get by right-clicking on taskbar buttons)? For example an "About..." item which displays a window.
4. Suppose I want to create a window which function as a message box (with additional "Don't show this again" checkbox). In Windows when you get a prompt with only OK button available, the Close (X) caption button is grayed and inactive. How can I do this on my custom message box?
2. How to add a button to form's caption bar which minimizes the window to tray (you can see such thing, for example, on GetRight windows - a button with little dot in the corner)?
3. How to add custom items to system menus (the one you get by right-clicking on taskbar buttons)? For example an "About..." item which displays a window.
4. Suppose I want to create a window which function as a message box (with additional "Don't show this again" checkbox). In Windows when you get a prompt with only OK button available, the Close (X) caption button is grayed and inactive. How can I do this on my custom message box?