I'm getting error message "No valid report source is available" with the code below.
This code worked ok from my windows form, can you please help me with the correct syntax for the web form. The error occurs when I click on the tree view which contains the group data, for some reason the detail data can be viewed from the main screen.
If IsPostBack Then
Dim myaop6report As New AOP6RPT10X
Dim crConnectionInfo As ConnectionInfo = New ConnectionInfo
crConnectionInfo.ServerName = (Application.StartupPath & "\AOPT2002org.mdb")
crConnectionInfo.Password = "testaopupdate"
setDBLogonForReport(crConnectionInfo, myaop6report)
myaop6report.RecordSelectionFormula = "{AOP5.nsn} like " & "'*" & TextBox1.Text & "*'" & ""
CrystalReportViewer1.ReportSource = myaop6report
End If
I'm getting error message "No valid report source is available" with the code below.
This code worked ok from my windows form, can you please help me with the correct syntax for the web form. The error occurs when I click on the tree view which contains the group data, for some reason the detail data can be viewed from the main screen.
If IsPostBack Then
Dim myaop6report As New AOP6RPT10X
Dim crConnectionInfo As ConnectionInfo = New ConnectionInfo
crConnectionInfo.ServerName = (Application.StartupPath & "\AOPT2002org.mdb")
crConnectionInfo.Password = "testaopupdate"
setDBLogonForReport(crConnectionInfo, myaop6report)
myaop6report.RecordSelectionFormula = "{AOP5.nsn} like " & "'*" & TextBox1.Text & "*'" & ""
CrystalReportViewer1.ReportSource = myaop6report
End If