Premise of the report (CR 10.0) is simple comparing prior year’s sales to current year sales. Groups are by salesperson (useridmaster.lastname) and then by account (account.account_name) sorted by largest 06 sales on down.
Requested by VP of sales is a summary of sales from accounts that ordered in 06 but not 05. For the individual accounts I was able to filter the accounts and totals requested as follows:
tonumber(if Sum ({@yeartodatelinetotal}, {account.account_name})>0
and Sum ({@priorytdlinetotal}, {account.account_name})<=0
then Sum ({@yeartodatelinetotal}, {account.account_name})
else 0)
where @yeartodatelinetotal= sales for the current year and
@priorytdlinetotal=prior years sales
This does provide any sales greater than zero for new accounts in 06 and zero for any account that ordered in 05 and 06.
PROBLEM: I now need to summarize all of the accounts that ordered in 06 but not 05. When trying to create a summary from field explorer I am told that the field can not be summarized. It is not an available field for summary in Insert Summary.
Requested by VP of sales is a summary of sales from accounts that ordered in 06 but not 05. For the individual accounts I was able to filter the accounts and totals requested as follows:
tonumber(if Sum ({@yeartodatelinetotal}, {account.account_name})>0
and Sum ({@priorytdlinetotal}, {account.account_name})<=0
then Sum ({@yeartodatelinetotal}, {account.account_name})
else 0)
where @yeartodatelinetotal= sales for the current year and
@priorytdlinetotal=prior years sales
This does provide any sales greater than zero for new accounts in 06 and zero for any account that ordered in 05 and 06.
PROBLEM: I now need to summarize all of the accounts that ordered in 06 but not 05. When trying to create a summary from field explorer I am told that the field can not be summarized. It is not an available field for summary in Insert Summary.