Hi in need of some help,
I cant start the internet mail service, keep getting this error:
Could not start the Internet Mail Service: error 2140
An internal Windows NT error occured.
The event viewer displays the following:
The Internet Mail Service administrator account is no longer valid. The Internet Mail Service will not start until you recreate the administrator account or configure the Internet Mail Service to use another administrator account.
Yet this account ios valid cause i use it to start the info store ??? asnd other exchange related services?
Any help is greatly appreciated
I cant start the internet mail service, keep getting this error:
Could not start the Internet Mail Service: error 2140
An internal Windows NT error occured.
The event viewer displays the following:
The Internet Mail Service administrator account is no longer valid. The Internet Mail Service will not start until you recreate the administrator account or configure the Internet Mail Service to use another administrator account.
Yet this account ios valid cause i use it to start the info store ??? asnd other exchange related services?
Any help is greatly appreciated