I installed Tomcat 4.1 and the install directory is C:\Tomcat 4.1. Tomcat comes with examples in the following path: C:\Tomcat 4.1\webapps\examples\jsp, which has \dates\date.jsp.
I can run the following successfully:
I have also tested my Tomcat installation successfully by running:
Now I try to create another folder under C:\Tomcat 4.1\webapps\ called hJSP.
I created an index.jsp under hJSP:
<title>H JSP</title>
Hello, World!</p>
2 + 2 is ${2 +2} and 4 * 4 is ${4 *4}
I can't get index.jsp to run.
Here's my browser path:
Here's the error message I receive:
HTTP Status 404 - /hJSP/index.jsp
type Status report
message /hJSP/index.jsp
description The requested resource (/hJSP/index.jsp) is not available.
Apache Tomcat/4.1.29
I've also included the directory paths in System vars.
What am I doing wrong? Why will the JSP serve in one webapps folder and not another?
Thanks for your help.
Change Your Thinking, Change Your Life.
I installed Tomcat 4.1 and the install directory is C:\Tomcat 4.1. Tomcat comes with examples in the following path: C:\Tomcat 4.1\webapps\examples\jsp, which has \dates\date.jsp.
I can run the following successfully:
I have also tested my Tomcat installation successfully by running:
Now I try to create another folder under C:\Tomcat 4.1\webapps\ called hJSP.
I created an index.jsp under hJSP:
<title>H JSP</title>
Hello, World!</p>
2 + 2 is ${2 +2} and 4 * 4 is ${4 *4}
I can't get index.jsp to run.
Here's my browser path:
Here's the error message I receive:
HTTP Status 404 - /hJSP/index.jsp
type Status report
message /hJSP/index.jsp
description The requested resource (/hJSP/index.jsp) is not available.
Apache Tomcat/4.1.29
I've also included the directory paths in System vars.
What am I doing wrong? Why will the JSP serve in one webapps folder and not another?
Thanks for your help.
Change Your Thinking, Change Your Life.