I've got an AMD 5x86 133MHz computer with Win 3.11 that a neighbor gave me and I've been having a ball with it. I know all you geeks are laughing at me, but I've been having fun getting it on the net and adding EDO RAM and such. I'm having one problem that is driving me crazy, though. I have 16 bit Internet Explorer 5.0 and Outlook Express 5.0. When I send an email in Outlook Express, if it is over one line of text, the server times out and the email won't send. I found someone else who had the same problem on the net, but they had no solution. Has anybody else had this problem and can give me a fix?? Surely someone stills plays around with old (ancient)PCs. All my SMTP settings are correct and a very short email will send fine, so it isn't as simple as that, I'm afraid. "A little knowledge is a dangerous thing....."