Hey Guys
For some reason I'm not receiving dates from a Select on a table. All the other values come over fine but not dates. I'm using a SQLite ODBC Driver to connect to my local Sqlite Database. Not doing anything fancy really. Here's the Sub if it will help.
Here's results of the query:
gatewayInstallKey = 14
accountKey = 18264
salesOrderNum = P32584
orderBooked =
installBy =
installCompleted =
salesRep = adf
installedBy = h.singh
numBedsides = 21
softwareRev = 10
onHold = True
referenceStatus = True
orderBooked, installBy, installCompleted are all Dates. Here's the same query done on the commandline.
Any help would be appreciated!
For some reason I'm not receiving dates from a Select on a table. All the other values come over fine but not dates. I'm using a SQLite ODBC Driver to connect to my local Sqlite Database. Not doing anything fancy really. Here's the Sub if it will help.
Sub loadGatewayInstallsScript(gwSite)
Set objConn = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
objConn.Open dbConnString
Set ObjRS = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
ObjRS.CursorType = adOpenStatic
Objrs.LockType = adLockOptimistic
ObjRS.CursorLocation = adUseClient
Set objRS.ActiveConnection = objConn
strQuery = "SELECT * FROM gatewayInstall WHERE accountKey=" & gwSite
do until ObjRS.EOF
for each x in ObjRS.Fields
document.Write(" = ")
document.Write(x.value & "<br />")
document.Write("<br />")
End Sub
Here's results of the query:
gatewayInstallKey = 14
accountKey = 18264
salesOrderNum = P32584
orderBooked =
installBy =
installCompleted =
salesRep = adf
installedBy = h.singh
numBedsides = 21
softwareRev = 10
onHold = True
referenceStatus = True
orderBooked, installBy, installCompleted are all Dates. Here's the same query done on the commandline.
SELECT * FROM gatewayInstall WHERE accountKey=11666;
Any help would be appreciated!