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Can't see error in my code

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Nov 22, 2007
Here is a block of code that gets re-used with changes throughout my project. It takes various numeric values stored in a remote MySQL DB, munges them together to create drawing identifiers,

Private Sub poplist()
Dim cn As ADODB.Connection
Dim cmd As ADODB.command
Dim rst As ADODB.Recordset
Dim i As Integer
Dim f(9) As String
Dim Field0 As String
Dim Field1 As String
Dim Field2 As String
Dim rev As Integer

Set cn = New ADODB.Connection

With cn
  .ConnectionString = DB_CONNECT
End With

Set cmd = New ADODB.command
With cmd
 .CommandType = adCmdUnknown
End With

[COLOR=green]'get fields to build drawing number[/color]
sqlstr = "SELECT h.ht_id, h.softver, h.House_type, "
sqlstr = sqlstr & "b.ShortCode AS builder_ShortCode, h.level, h.Floor, h.Revision, "
sqlstr = sqlstr & "d.ShortCode AS dist_ShortCode, e.ShortCode AS enq_ShortCode,"
sqlstr = sqlstr & " h.Hours"
sqlstr = sqlstr & " FROM `contacts`.`HouseType` AS h INNER JOIN CompShort as b"
sqlstr = sqlstr & " ON b.CompID = h.builder_id INNER JOIN CompShort as d"
sqlstr = sqlstr & " ON d.CompID = h.dist_id INNER JOIN CompShort as e"
sqlstr = sqlstr & " ON e.CompID = h.enq_id WHERE h.quote_id =" & QuoteID
sqlstr = sqlstr & " ORDER BY House_Type"

With cmd
  .ActiveConnection = cn
  .CommandText = sqlstr
  Set rst = .Execute
End With

[COLOR=green]'clear out listbox for new items[/color]
For i = Me.HTlist.ListCount - 1 To 0 Step -1
    Me.HTlist.RemoveItem i
Next i

If Not rst.EOF Then
[COLOR=green]'loop through resultset[/color]
        f(0) = rst.Fields(0) [COLOR=green]'Housetype ID for operatons[/color]
        f(1) = rst.Fields(1) [COLOR=green]'Software version[/color]
        For i = rst.Fields.Count - 1 To 2 Step -1
         If IsNull(rst.Fields(i)) Then
          f(i) = ""
         ElseIf rst.Fields(i) = "non" Then
          f(i) = ""
         ElseIf i = 6 Then
           If rst.Fields(i) = 0 Then
            f(i) = ""
            rev = rst.Fields(i)
            f(i) = "=rev-" & Chr(96 + rev)
           End If
        f(i) = "=" & rst.Fields(i)
        End If
        Next i
            Field0 = rst.Fields(2) 'House name
            Field1 = f(1) & f(3) & f(4) & f(2) & f(5) & f(6) & f(7) & f(8) [COLOR=green]'Drawing number identifier[/color]
            Field2 = Nz(rst.Fields(9), "0") [COLOR=green]'Hours assigned to project[/color]
            Me.HTlist.AddItem Item:="" + f(0) + ";" + Field0 + ";" + Field1 + ";" + Field2 + ""
        Loop Until rst.EOF
    End If

End Sub

The above code works everywhere else, but in this iteration the last line for the htlist is present, but blank. Is this a code error, or could it be a corruption in the file itself?
Me.HTlist.AddItem Item:="" + f(0) + ";" + Field0 + ";" + Field1 + ";" + Field2 + ""

That's because you have it adding your fields togather! Try

Me.HTlist.AddItem Item:="" & f(0) & ";" & Field0 & ";" & Field1 & ";" & Field2 & ""

The Missinglinq

Richmond, Virginia

There's ALWAYS more than one way to skin a cat!
I see, I've changed the code, but not before doing a /decompile and compact&repair DB recovery thingy. the code started working properly before I made the changes, but I have changed the + to & for each time I use similar code.

I'm still not sure what the difference is exactly, but it seems to work the same, and is perhaps a better coding practise. Can you see anything else wrong, or that I could change to make my code more manageable?
+ is a mathamatical calculation
& is used to concatonate string values.

Never knock on Death's door: ring the bell and run away! Death really hates that!
You could use a case statement to better visually understand your if statements

and won't htlist.Clear clear your list box so you do not need the loop

I'll try the htlist.clear, not a good enough coder to know all them nifty tricks, just enough to trip over VBA bugs.

I tried doing a case but ran into problems because of the completely random data that gets fed into it.
you can use case else for unexpected data passing through a select case

Never knock on Death's door: ring the bell and run away! Death really hates that!
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