I have one user who can't print form her outlook sent items folder. She can forward the message another user in the office and they can print it out just fine. If she tries to print it never even makes it to the printer que. This isn't happening on all messages just on some. Mostly seem to deal with HTML but some aren't. I have done the following to fix the issue. Ran all updates for office and outlook. Uninstalled and then Re-installed Outlook. Made sure the user had full rights to everything on the local computer as we as the files. You do get the screen to select the printers, after that you don't get any other screens. I have tried diffferent Printer and drivers to see if this is the issues as well. This is an exchange but it is currently running outside of the office running pop3. User is running XP SP2 with Office 2003 and Outlook 2003.