I have a database with a form as my "switchboard". Since this is my first database, I did not know about "naming conventions, spaces in names, etc." so I was very detailed on my field names. Now that I am writing a lot of code, I find what a mistake that was. So, I exported all my tables to a new database and corrected all the names of the fields. Then imported queries, then forms, etc. Before I could finish with it all, I had to close the new database. I am now trying to open the database, but it says my form that opens the database is not named correctly and it will not even let me in to look at the problem, tables, forms, anything. I have done some word searches in Tek-tips, knowing I remember reading about a work around to make your database open, but I must be using the wrongs words to search, because I can't find any info on it. Does anyone know the way I can get into my database or am I screwed, blued, and tattooed. Thanks, Janet Lyn