Hi there. I have a form which lists a bunch of user data. The username and userid need to appear but must not be altered by the user. All of the other data in the form is editable. All of the fields are then supposed to be sent to the next UpdateUser.jsp page. Unfortunately, the username and userid don't appear in the URL as they should. My bean sets and gets them as required. The "ed_userid=3&ed_username=SAL" don't appear in the URL while all of the other variables do. Does setting "DISABLED = TRUE" mean that the user can't access that text box AND that the data isn't sent in the form? My code is below. Does anyone have any advice on what I can do?
Thanks is advance,
String s_uname = "";
String i_userid = "";
String s_fname = "";
String s_intl = "";
String s_lname = "";
String s_expired = "";
String s_started = "";
String i_compid = "";
<% s_uname = ueb.getuname();
i_userid = ueb.getuserid();
s_fname = ueb.getu_fname();
s_intl = ueb.getu_in();
s_lname = ueb.getu_lname();
s_expired = ueb.getu_expired();
s_started = ueb.getu_started();
i_compid = ueb.geti_compid();
<FONT FACE="Arial">
<FORM ACTION="UpdateUser.jsp"
<TABLE BORDER = 4 align = CENTER cellpadding=2 width="95%" BGCOLOR ="#FFCC00">
<TR valign="top">
<TD><font face="Arial, helvetica" size=-2 >USERNAME:
<INPUT TYPE = "TEXT" NAME="ed_username" VALUE="<%= s_uname %>" size="20" maxlength="50" DISABLED = True> </TD>
<TD> <font face="Arial, helvetica" size=-2 >USERID:
<INPUT TYPE = "TEXT" NAME="ed_userid" VALUE="<%= i_userid %>" size="7" maxlength="30" DISABLED = True> </TD>
<TD><font face="Arial, helvetica" size=-2>PASSWORD:
<INPUT TYPE = "TEXT" NAME="ed_password" size="8" maxlength="8"> </TD>
<TR valign="top">
<TD><font face="Arial, helvetica" size=-2>FIRSTNAME:
<INPUT TYPE = "TEXT" NAME="ed_firstname" VALUE="<%=s_fname%>"><BR> </TD>
<TD><font face="Arial, helvetica" size=-2>LASTNAME:
<INPUT TYPE = "TEXT" NAME="ed_lastname" VALUE="<%= s_lname %>"><BR> </TD>