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Can't keep a connection

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Jan 13, 2007
OK Where do I start. I did't have a dail tone so i changed out my modem well them it would want to dail up but would never get a connection get a lot of errors 698, 777, 692 so I changed it out again thinking something was wronge in that one then I called for some advice and they said sounded like the ports on my motherboard had went out so I went out and bought an extrenal modem and now I got it to dail up and hold a connection for about 10 minutes at 28.8kps but thats it and I lose it. I even reformatted My computer thinking maybe it might be the OS. Please Help
The errors you quote predominantly point to incorrect drivers. However, I assume you're not getting those now with the new external device. The fact that you can connect for 10 minutes means you're making progress!

You said, "but thats it and I lose it...". Can you reconnect again after the connection drops?

What make and model of external modem do you have, and is it only capable of running at 28.8Kbps? Most these days will run at 56Kbps, although depending upon line quality, distance from the exchange etc., you might not always get upto 56Kbps. Also, what operating system are you running on the computer?

Are you connecting this modem directly to the Master telephone socket, or is it running through extension cables, internal wiring, adaptors etc.

If you pick up the telephone handset and dial just one digit to get rid of dial tone, the line should sound silent. Is yours? Or do you hear noise, interference, crackling, etc?

Try making a modem connection direct into the Master socket, without any telephone handsets, fax machines, or anything else connected to the line.

it's a actiontec external modem and since talking to you I've gotten it to connect several times but only at a speed as high as 19.9kbps. It will not even pull up a web page. But I have another computer right beside it with an internal modem plug it up to the same phone line and get a 45kbps speed. I put three enternal modems in and they would not dail up at all up would in another computer so I thought the pci board went out on the motherboard so I went to the external modem. now it's is dailing up but at a speed of 19.9 it's at it's max spee i've tried slowing it down, the drivers, then I called actiontec told them and they said I might have a bad modem but I dont understand can it be every modem Ive put it. I've plugged a cable modem up to it and it runs good as gold. So there's nothing wrong with the computer itself. oh by the way the OS is XP.
Thanks for all and any input you have.
I take it you have never had a modem working correctly with this computer before...?

Assuming that you've carefully checked cabling to the modem from the phone socket, you now need to check out the hardware in that computer. You've told us of a fresh install of XP, so I doubt it's a software issue.

Does this PC run ok? Any errors in Event Viewer? Anything in Device Manager not showing up or listed as installed correctly? Set the BIOS back to manufacturer's defaults, making a note of any special user settings. Run checks on memory, hard drive and motherboard. Remove all other plug-in cards other than video. Try changing the video card in case there's some odd conflict occurring. Unlikely to help, but check motherboard website for a BIOS update.

I went to try to start to new thread in a diff forum but for the life of me could not figure it out. I'm having trouble with myspace. Ever sice Norton ran a scan Friday I can get to the loggon page. Page not avaible my other computers can I can go to all other web site just not myspace what can be wrong? sorry about the post~!!!
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