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can't install AD with UNIX DNS server 1

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Technical User
May 28, 2001
Hi guys!!

Well, our DNS server is a Solaris 8 with bind-8.2.3
and I have to install a primary domain controller for file and printting etc.
I try "dcpromo" and want to create a new tree and a new forest, everything goes fine but in the last step it shows an error message: "can't find DNS server for dinamic actualization".
I'm new with bind, and I tried to configure it, I made a forward zone with my DNS server and w2k server name and IP address. A reverse zone too.
The "resolv.conf" file is has "nameserver" and his own IP address.
Also the DNS IP address is the preferred in the w2k server tcp/ip properties.

I use "nslookup" and this is the answer:
Predetermined server: dns.w2k.mydomain.com

And if I use the DNS IP address the answer is:
Server: dns.w2k.mydomain.com

Name: dns.w2k.mydomain.com

If I try with the w2k server name is this:
Server: dns.w2k.mydomain.com

Non-authoritative answer:
Name: wintest1.w2k.mydomain.com

And with the w2k server IP address:
Server: dns.w2k.mydomain.com

Name: wintest1.w2k.mydomain.com

This is the resolv.conf file:

options {
directory "/etc";
pid-file "/var/run/named.pid";

zone "." {
type hint;
file "/etc/db.cache";

zone "0.0.127.in-addr.arpa" in {
type master;
file "named.local";

zone "0.168.192.in-addr.arpa" {
type master;
file "/etc/192.168.0.rev";

zone "w2k.mydomain.com" {
type master;
file "/etc/w2k.mydomain.com.hosts";

This is my forward zone file:

$ttl 38400
w2k.mydomain.com. IN SOA dns.w2k.mydomain.com. wontolla_8.hotmail.com. (
38400 )
w2k.mydomain.com. IN NS dns.w2k.mydomain.com.
wintest1 IN A

And the reverse zone file:

$ttl 38400
0.168.192.in-addr.arpa. IN SOA dns. wontolla_8.hotmail.com. (
38400 )
23.202.148.in-addr.arpa IN NS windns.
1 IN PTR dns.w2k.mydomain.com.
2 IN PTR wintest1.w2k.mydomain.com.

PLEASE!!!!!, any ideas will be apreciated!!!
I have no idea what the problem is, I know 0.01% about UNIX
I can't setup the w2k server as DNS (politics).

Thanks to all of you!!!!!!!!

It very diffcult to setup AD with other DNS servers here some info

Something from MS Tech net

Using other DNS servers
If you are not using a Windows 2000-based DNS server, contact your DNS administrator or the appropriate DNS server vendor to find out whether your server supports the required standards. If the server doesn't support the required standards or the zone cannot be configured to allow dynamic updates, you must modify the existing DNS infrastructure. For alternatives, see the "TCP/IP Core Networking Guide" in the Windows 2000 Server Resource Kit, Chapter 6, pages 364-370 and/or 429-433.

For the most common scenario of the Active Directory namespace integration into existing DNS infrastructure and the DNS configuration, see these deployment lab scenarios.


Here is the link to the Resource kit

You have to manually add the four subdomains to the DNS server to support AD.
_msdcs, _sites, _tcp, _udp. W2K uses these to store its SRV records.
Microsoft recommends using BIND 8.2.1 or newer because it supports dynamic name registrations, incremental zone transfers and SRV records (service resource records).
Thanks guys!!!

Is true, is dificult to setup AD with other DNS server, is much easier if "dcpromo" do it automatically. I've been reading about that subdomains shovel204

But I have a question: how do I make a SUBDOMAIN???

I use webmin and I wonder if I can create the subdomains the same way for a domain.

Do I have to make _msdcs.w2k.mydomain.com???

And do yo know if this is the only thing need to do??
Do I have to write something in them??

thanks in advance!!
Having never used anything but W2K DNS server I would venture a guess that you create them in a forward lookup zone named exactly the same name as the server you are going to install.When you promo the server it should create all entries in the four subdomains for you.
So in effect you create those 4 subdomains and set nothing else it should do the rest for you once promo'ed.It can take awhile after the promo before the information shows in them.On a W2K server it can take up to an hour.
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