I am trying to install a second 7800GTX 256mb on my ASUS A8N-SLI Premium and it just won't work. The computer starts up and windows reads the second card and looks as if it is installing the card, but it just hangs on the install and the second card is never installed. Everything still works fine but the "installation icon" just sits in my system tray. I looked on Asus website, but couldnt find anything that addresses my problem. I have more than enough power (Seasonic 600W). At first the red light on the board went on because I didnt plug in the auxillary power. Even after I pluuged that in and the light turned green it still does the same thing. I have also tested with and without the SLI bridge. This mobo does not use a card to switch between single card and SLI so I don't know what to do from here. Please Help.