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Can't get thousands seperator to work in SQL error 2

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Mar 5, 2009
I have tried many different combinations I am posting my current combination.
My current error is Incorrect syntax near the keyword as
Any help is appreciated

SELECT ChgBillMonth
,(CONVERT (VARCHAR(100),CAST((ChargeAmt as Money),1) 
----,sum(CurrentBalance) as Balance
--,sum(ChargeAmt) as ChargeAmt
--,sum(CurrentBalance) as Balance
FROM dbo.rpt_Infmtx_CurrentAR
WHERE ChgBillMonth='8/1/2013'
GROUP BY ChgBillMonth
it should be

SELECT ChgBillMonth
,(CONVERT (VARCHAR(100),CAST(ChargeAmt as Money),1) 
----,sum(CurrentBalance) as Balance
--,sum(ChargeAmt) as ChargeAmt
--,sum(CurrentBalance) as Balance
FROM dbo.rpt_Infmtx_CurrentAR
WHERE ChgBillMonth='8/1/2013'
GROUP BY ChgBillMonth
you have extra ( after cast
Also, remove the ( before Convert as it isn't necessary.

,(CONVERT (VARCHAR(100),CAST(ChargeAmt as Money),1)
1 2 3 3 4 4 2


The following is part of my signature block and is only intended to be informational.
Posting advice: FAQ481-4875
gk53 your suggestion did work, but I also need the chargeAmt to be summed. When I add sum I get the error Sum is not a recognized function
CONVERT (VARCHAR(100),CAST(sum(ChargeAmt) as Money),1)
the query like below will work, but i do not think it will give you result you expected
SELECT ChgBillMonth
,CONVERT (VARCHAR(100),CAST(ChargeAmt as Money),1) as  ChargeAmt 
,sum(CurrentBalance) as Balance
,sum(ChargeAmt) as ChargeAmtSum
,sum(CurrentBalance) as Balance
FROM dbo.rpt_Infmtx_CurrentAR
WHERE ChgBillMonth='8/1/2013'
GROUP BY ChgBillMonth, ChargeAmt
the problem is ChargeAmt and ChargeAmtSum. ChargeAmtSum will be total of the same values of ChargeAmt in table for current month Just look on my example
create table #T
ChgBillMonth date, 
ChargeAmt money,
CurrentBalance money

insert into #T
select '8/1/2013', 100, 9000
select '8/1/2013', 100, 8900
select '8/1/2013', 200, 8700
select '8/1/2013', 150, 8550

SELECT ChgBillMonth
,CONVERT (VARCHAR(100),CAST(ChargeAmt as Money),1) as  ChargeAmt 
,sum(CurrentBalance) as Balance
,sum(ChargeAmt) as ChargeAmtSum
--,sum(CurrentBalance) as Balance
WHERE ChgBillMonth='8/1/2013'
GROUP BY ChargeAmt, ChgBillMonth
I created table with your fields , insert 4 row with data and run your query and resuls looks like
ChgBillMonth ChargeAmt Balance ChargeAmtSum
2013-08-01 100.00 17900.00 200.00
2013-08-01 150.00 8550.00 150.00
2013-08-01 200.00 8700.00 200.00

If you have ChargeAmt in select you must use group by ChargeAmt

but I also need the chargeAmt to be summed
SELECT ChgBillMonth
,CONVERT (VARCHAR(100),SUM(CAST(ChargeAmt as Money)),1) as  ChargeAmt 
,sum(CurrentBalance) as Balance
,sum(ChargeAmt) as ChargeAmtSum
--,sum(CurrentBalance) as Balance
WHERE ChgBillMonth='8/1/2013'
GROUP BY  ChgBillMonth
chamilz, I just tried your solution and it worked great! Thanks!
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