Please take a look at this log file and suggest what might be the problem. Thanks!!
sh log
Syslog logging: enabled (0 messages dropped, 0 messages rate-limited, 0 flushes, 0 overruns)
Console logging: level debugging, 964 messages logged
Monitor logging: level debugging, 0 messages logged
Buffer logging: level debugging, 964 messages logged
Logging Exception size (4096 bytes)
Trap logging: level informational, 36 message lines logged
Log Buffer (16384 bytes):
te_sas): rec'd delete notify from ISAKMP
*Feb 28 19:38:55.467: IPSEC(key_engine_delete_sas): delete all SAs shared with
*Feb 28 19:39:04.603: ISAKMP (0:47): purging node 558732648
*Feb 28 19:39:04.603: ISAKMP (0:50): retransmitting phase 1 MM_NO_STATE...
*Feb 28 19:39:04.603: ISAKMP (0:50): incrementing error counter on sa: retransmit phase 1
*Feb 28 19:39:04.603: ISAKMP (0:50): retransmitting phase 1 MM_NO_STATE
*Feb 28 19:39:04.603: ISAKMP (0:50): sending packet to (I) MM_NO_STATE
*Feb 28 19:39:04.607: ISAKMP (0:47): purging node 422552556
*Feb 28 19:39:04.607: ISAKMP (0:47): purging node -342583638
*Feb 28 19:39:05.315: ISAKMP (0:0): received packet from (N) NEW SA
*Feb 28 19:39:05.315: ISAKMP: local port 500, remote port 500
*Feb 28 19:39:05.319: ISAKMP (0:52): processing SA payload. message ID = 0
*Feb 28 19:39:05.319: ISAKMP (0:52): found peer pre-shared key matching
*Feb 28 19:39:05.319: ISAKMP (0:52): Checking ISAKMP transform 1 against priority 10 policy
*Feb 28 19:39:05.319: ISAKMP: encryption 3DES-CBC *Fe 28 19:39:05.319: ISAKMP: hash MD5
*Feb 28 19:39:05.319: ISAKMP: default group 1
*Feb 28 19:39:05.319: ISAKMP: auth pre-share
*Feb 28 19:39:05.323: ISAKMP: life type in seconds
*Feb 28 19:39:05.323: ISAKMP: life duration (VPI) of 0x0 0x1 0x51 0x80
*Feb 28 19:39:05.323: ISAKMP (0:52): atts are acceptable. Next payload is 0
*Feb 28 19:39:05.459: ISAKMP (0:52): SA is doing pre-shared key authentication using id type ID_IPV4_ADDR
*Feb 28 19:39:05.459: ISAKMP (0:52): sending packet to (R) MM_SA_SETUP
*Feb 28 19:39:05.463: ISAKMP (0:51): retransmitting phase 1 MM_SA_SETUP...
*Feb 28 19:39:05.463: ISAKMP (0:51): incrementing error counter on sa: retransmit phase 1
*Feb 28 19:39:05.463: ISAKMP (0:51): retransmitting phase 1 MM_SA_SETUP
*Feb 28 19:39:05.463: ISAKMP (0:51): sending packet to (R) MM_SA_SETUP
*Feb 28 19:39:05.463: ISAKMP (0:49): retransmitting phase 1 MM_SA_SETUP...
*Feb 28 19:39:05.463: ISAKMP (0:49): phase 1 going away; let's be paranoid.
*Feb 28 19:39:05.463: ISAKMP (0:49): Bring down phase 2's
*Feb 28 19:39:05.463: ISAKMP (0:49): That phase 1 was the last one of its kind. Taking phase 2's with us.
*Feb 28 19:39:05.467: ISAKMP (0:49): peer does not do paranoid keepalives.
*Feb 28 19:39:05.467: ISAKMP (0:49): deleting SA reason "death by retransmission P1" state (R) MM_SA_SETUP (peer input queue 0
*Feb 28 19:39:05.467: IPSEC(key_engine): got a queue event...
*Feb 28 19:39:05.467: IPSEC(key_engine_delete_sas): rec'd delete notify from ISAKMP
*Feb 28 19:39:05.467: IPSEC(key_engine_delete_sas): delete all SAs shared with
*Feb 28 19:39:14.596: IPSEC(key_engine): request timer fired: count = 1,
(identity) local=, remote=,
local_proxy= (type=1),
remote_proxy= (type=1)
*Feb 28 19:39:14.596: IPSEC(sa_request): ,
(key eng. msg.) src=, dest=,
src_proxy= (type=1),
dest_proxy= (type=1),
protocol= ESP, transform= esp-3des esp-md5-hmac ,
lifedur= 3600s and 4608000kb,
spi= 0x59ADC173(1504559475), conn_id= 0, keysize= 0, flags= 0x4000
*Feb 28 19:39:14.600: ISAKMP: received ke message (1/1)
*Feb 28 19:39:14.600: ISAKMP (0:50): SA is still budding. Attached new ipsec request to it.
*Feb 28 19:39:14.604: ISAKMP (0:50): retransmitting phase 1 MM_NO_STATE...
*Feb 28 19:39:14.604: ISAKMP (0:50): incrementing error counter on sa: retransmit phase 1
*Feb 28 19:39:14.604: ISAKMP (0:50): retransmitting phase 1 MM_NO_STATE
*Feb 28 19:39:14.604: ISAKMP (0:50): sending packet to (I) MM_NO_STATE
*Feb 28 19:39:14.608: ISAKMP (0:47): purging SA., sa=81EAC1C8, delme=81EAC1C8
*Feb 28 19:39:15.316: ISAKMP (0:0): received packet from (N) NEW SA
*Feb 28 19:39:15.316: ISAKMP: local port 500, remote port 500
*Feb 28 19:39:15.460: ISAKMP (0:52): retransmitting phase 1 MM_SA_SETUP...
*Feb 28 19:39:15.460: ISAKMP (0:52): incrementing error counter on sa: retransmit phase 1
*Feb 28 19:39:15.460: ISAKMP (0:52): retransmitting phase 1 MM_SA_SETUP
*Feb 28 19:39:15.460: ISAKMP (0:52): sending packet to (R) MM_SA_SETUP
*Feb 28 19:39:15.464: ISAKMP (0:51): retransmitting phase 1 MM_SA_SETUP...
*Feb 28 19:39:15.464: ISAKMP (0:51): incrementing error counter on sa: retransmit phase 1
*Feb 28 19:39:15.464: ISAKMP (0:51): retransmitting phase 1 MM_SA_SETUP
*Feb 28 19:39:15.464: ISAKMP (0:51): sending packet to (R) MM_SA_SETUP
*Feb 28 19:39:24.604: ISAKMP (0:50): retransmitting phase 1 MM_NO_STATE...
*Feb 28 19:39:24.604: ISAKMP (0:50): incrementing error counter on sa: retransmit phase 1
*Feb 28 19:39:24.604: ISAKMP (0:50): retransmitting phase 1 MM_NO_STATE
*Feb 28 19:39:24.604: ISAKMP (0:50): sending packet to (I) MM_NO_STATE
*Feb 28 19:39:25.316: ISAKMP (0:0): received packet from (N) NEW SA
*Feb 28 19:39:25.316: ISAKMP: local port 500, remote port 500
*Feb 28 19:39:25.460: ISAKMP (0:52): retransmitting phase 1 MM_SA_SETUP...
*Feb 28 19:39:25.460: ISAKMP (0:52): incrementing error counter on sa: retransmit phase 1
*Feb 28 19:39:25.460: ISAKMP (0:52): retransmitting phase 1 MM_SA_SETUP
*Feb 28 19:39:25.460: ISAKMP (0:52): sending packet to (R) MM_SA_SETUP
*Feb 28 19:39:25.464: ISAKMP (0:51): retransmitting phase 1 MM_SA_SETUP...
*Feb 28 19:39:25.464: ISAKMP (0:51): incrementing error counter on sa: retransmit phase 1
*Feb 28 19:39:25.464: ISAKMP (0:51): retransmitting phase 1 MM_SA_SETUP
*Feb 28 19:39:25.464: ISAKMP (0:51): sending packet to (R) MM_SA_SETUP
*Feb 28 19:39:34.604: ISAKMP (0:50): retransmitting phase 1 MM_NO_STATE...
*Feb 28 19:39:34.604: ISAKMP (0:50): incrementing error counter on sa: retransmit phase 1
*Feb 28 19:39:34.604: ISAKMP (0:50): retransmitting phase 1 MM_NO_STATE
*Feb 28 19:39:34.604: ISAKMP (0:50): sending packet to (I) MM_NO_STATE
*Feb 28 19:39:35.324: ISAKMP (0:0): received packet from (N) NEW SA
*Feb 28 19:39:35.324: ISAKMP: local port 500, remote port 500
*Feb 28 19:39:35.460: ISAKMP (0:52): retransmitting phase 1 MM_SA_SETUP...
*Feb 28 19:39:35.460: ISAKMP (0:52): incrementing error counter on sa: retransmit phase 1
*Feb 28 19:39:35.460: ISAKMP (0:52): retransmitting phase 1 MM_SA_SETUP
*Feb 28 19:39:35.460: ISAKMP (0:52): sending packet to (R) MM_SA_SETUP
*Feb 28 19:39:35.464: ISAKMP (0:51): retransmitting phase 1 MM_SA_SETUP...
*Feb 28 19:39:35.464: ISAKMP (0:51): incrementing error counter on sa: retransmit phase 1
*Feb 28 19:39:35.464: ISAKMP (0:51): retransmitting phase 1 MM_SA_SETUP
*Feb 28 19:39:35.464: ISAKMP (0:51): sending packet to (R) MM_SA_SETUP
*Feb 28 19:39:44.597: IPSEC(key_engine): request timer fired: count = 2,
(identity) local=, remote=,
local_proxy= (type=1),
remote_proxy= (type=1)
*Feb 28 19:39:44.597: ISAKMP: received ke message (3/1)
*Feb 28 19:39:44.597: ISAKMP (0:50): ignoring request to send delete notify (sa not authenticated) src dst
*Feb 28 19:39:44.605: ISAKMP (0:50): retransmitting phase 1 MM_NO_STATE...
*Feb 28 19:39:44.605: ISAKMP (0:50): phase 1 going away; let's be paranoid.
*Feb 28 19:39:44.605: ISAKMP (0:50): Bring down phase 2's
*Feb 28 19:39:44.605: ISAKMP (0:50): That phase 1 was the last one of its kind. Taking phase 2's with us.
*Feb 28 19:39:44.605: ISAKMP (0:50): peer does not do paranoid keepalives.
*Feb 28 19:39:44.605: ISAKMP (0:50): deleting SA reason "death by retransmission P1" state (I) MM_NO_STATE (peer input queue 0
*Feb 28 19:39:44.605: ISAKMP (0:50): deleting node -2053812406 error TRUE reason "death by retransmission P1"
*Feb 28 19:39:44.605: ISAKMP (0:50): deleting node 813247130 error TRUE reason "death by retransmission P1"
*Feb 28 19:39:44.609: IPSEC(key_engine): got a queue event...
*Feb 28 19:39:44.609: IPSEC(key_engine_delete_sas): rec'd delete notify from ISAKMP
*Feb 28 19:39:44.609: IPSEC(key_engine_delete_sas): delete all SAs shared with
*Feb 28 19:39:45.317: ISAKMP (0:0): received packet from (N) NEW SA
*Feb 28 19:39:45.317: ISAKMP: local port 500, remote port 500
*Feb 28 19:39:45.461: ISAKMP (0:52): retransmitting phase 1 MM_SA_SETUP...
*Feb 28 19:39:45.461: ISAKMP (0:52): incrementing error counter on sa: retransmit phase 1
*Feb 28 19:39:45.461: ISAKMP (0:52): retransmitting phase 1 MM_SA_SETUP
*Feb 28 19:39:45.461: ISAKMP (0:52): sending packet to (R) MM_SA_SETUP
*Feb 28 19:39:45.465: ISAKMP (0:51): retransmitting phase 1 MM_SA_SETUP...
*Feb 28 19:39:45.465: ISAKMP (0:51): incrementing error counter on sa: retransmit phase 1
*Feb 28 19:39:45.465: ISAKMP (0:51): retransmitting phase 1 MM_SA_SETUP
*Feb 28 19:39:45.465: ISAKMP (0:51): sending packet to (R) MM_SA_SETUP
*Feb 28 19:39:54.597: IPSEC(sa_request): ,
(key eng. msg.) src=, dest=,
src_proxy= (type=1),
dest_proxy= (type=1),
protocol= ESP, transform= esp-3des esp-md5-hmac ,
lifedur= 3600s and 4608000kb,
spi= 0x8EE8ADE3(2397613539), conn_id= 0, keysize= 0, flags= 0x4000
*Feb 28 19:39:54.597: ISAKMP: received ke message (1/1)
*Feb 28 19:39:54.601: ISAKMP: local port 500, remote port 500
*Feb 28 19:39:54.601: ISAKMP (0:53): beginning Main Mode exchange
*Feb 28 19:39:54.601: ISAKMP (0:53): sending packet to (I) MM_NO_STATE
*Feb 28 19:39:55.461: ISAKMP (0:52): retransmitting phase 1 MM_SA_SETUP...
*Feb 28 19:39:55.461: ISAKMP (0:52): incrementing error counter on sa: retransmit phase 1
*Feb 28 19:39:55.461: ISAKMP (0:52): retransmitting phase 1 MM_SA_SETUP
*Feb 28 19:39:55.461: ISAKMP (0:52): sending packet to (R) MM_SA_SETUP
*Feb 28 19:39:55.465: ISAKMP (0:51): retransmitting phase 1 MM_SA_SETUP...
*Feb 28 19:39:55.465: ISAKMP (0:51): phase 1 going away; let's be paranoid.
*Feb 28 19:39:55.465: ISAKMP (0:51): Bring down phase 2's
*Feb 28 19:39:55.465: ISAKMP (0:51): That phase 1 was the last one of its kind. Taking phase 2's with us.
*Feb 28 19:39:55.465: ISAKMP (0:51): peer does not do paranoid keepalives.
*Feb 28 19:39:55.465: ISAKMP (0:51): deleting SA reason "death by retransmission P1" state (R) MM_SA_SETUP (peer input queue 0
*Feb 28 19:39:55.465: IPSEC(key_engine): got a queue event...
*Feb 28 19:39:55.469: IPSEC(key_engine_delete_sas): rec'd delete notify from ISAKMP
*Feb 28 19:39:55.469: IPSEC(key_engine_delete_sas): delete all SAs shared with
*Feb 28 19:39:55.469: ISAKMP (0:48): purging SA., sa=81F012B4, delme=81F012B4
*Feb 28 19:40:04.605: ISAKMP (0:53): retransmitting phase 1 MM_NO_STATE...
*Feb 28 19:40:04.605: ISAKMP (0:53): incrementing error counter on sa: retransmit phase 1
*Feb 28 19:40:04.605: ISAKMP (0:53): retransmitting phase 1 MM_NO_STATE
*Feb 28 19:40:04.605: ISAKMP (0:53): sending packet to (I) MM_NO_STATE
*Feb 28 19:40:05.461: ISAKMP (0:52): retransmitting phase 1 MM_SA_SETUP...
*Feb 28 19:40:05.461: ISAKMP (0:52): phase 1 going away; let's be paranoid.
*Feb 28 19:40:05.461: ISAKMP (0:52): Bring down phase 2's
*Feb 28 19:40:05.461: ISAKMP (0:52): That phase 1 was the last one of its kind. Taking phase 2's with us.
*Feb 28 19:40:05.461: ISAKMP (0:52): peer does not do paranoid keepalives.
*Feb 28 19:40:05.461: ISAKMP (0:52): deleting SA reason "death by retransmission P1" state (R) MM_SA_SETUP (peer input queue 0
*Feb 28 19:40:05.461: IPSEC(key_engine): got a queue event...
*Feb 28 19:40:05.465: IPSEC(key_engine_delete_sas): rec'd delete notify from ISAKMP
*Feb 28 19:40:05.465: IPSEC(key_engine_delete_sas): delete all SAs shared with
*Feb 28 19:40:05.469: ISAKMP (0:49): purging SA., sa=820456A4, delme=820456A4
*Feb 28 19:40:14.606: ISAKMP (0:53): retransmitting phase 1 MM_NO_STATE...
*Feb 28 19:40:14.606: ISAKMP (0:53): incrementing error counter on sa: retransmit phase 1
*Feb 28 19:40:14.606: ISAKMP (0:53): retransmitting phase 1 MM_NO_STATE
*Feb 28 19:40:14.606: ISAKMP (0:53): sending packet to (I) MM_NO_STATE
*Feb 28 19:40:24.598: IPSEC(key_engine): request timer fired: count = 1,
(identity) local=, remote=,
local_proxy= (type=1),
remote_proxy= (type=1)
*Feb 28 19:40:24.598: IPSEC(sa_request): ,
(key eng. msg.) src=, dest=,
src_proxy= (type=1),
dest_proxy= (type=1),
protocol= ESP, transform= esp-3des esp-md5-hmac ,
lifedur= 3600s and 4608000kb,
spi= 0xA109B89F(2701768863), conn_id= 0, keysize= 0, flags= 0x4000
*Feb 28 19:40:24.602: ISAKMP: received ke message (1/1)
*Feb 28 19:40:24.602: ISAKMP (0:53): SA is still budding. Attached new ipsec request to it.
*Feb 28 19:40:24.606: ISAKMP (0:53): retransmitting phase 1 MM_NO_STATE...
*Feb 28 19:40:24.606: ISAKMP (0:53): incrementing error counter on sa: retransmit phase 1
*Feb 28 19:40:24.606: ISAKMP (0:53): retransmitting phase 1 MM_NO_STATE
*Feb 28 19:40:24.606: ISAKMP (0:53): sending packet to (I) MM_NO_STATE
*Feb 28 19:40:25.314: ISAKMP (0:0): received packet from (N) NEW SA
*Feb 28 19:40:25.314: ISAKMP: local port 500, remote port 500
*Feb 28 19:40:25.318: ISAKMP (0:54): processing SA payload. message ID = 0
*Feb 28 19:40:25.318: ISAKMP (0:54): found peer pre-shared key matching
*Feb 28 19:40:25.318: ISAKMP (0:54): Checking ISAKMP transform 1 against priority 10 policy
*Feb 28 19:40:25.318: ISAKMP: encryption 3DES-CBC
*Feb 28 19:40:25.318: ISAKMP: hash MD5
*Feb 28 19:40:25.318: ISAKMP: default group 1
*Feb 28 19:40:25.322: ISAKMP: auth pre-share
*Feb 28 19:40:25.322: ISAKMP: life type in seconds
*Feb 28 19:40:25.322: ISAKMP: life duration (VPI) of 0x0 0x1 0x51 0x80
*Feb 28 19:40:25.322: ISAKMP (0:54): atts are acceptable. Next payload is 0
*Feb 28 19:40:25.458: ISAKMP (0:54): SA is doing pre-shared key authentication using id type ID_IPV4_ADDR
*Feb 28 19:40:25.458: ISAKMP (0:54): sending packet to (R) MM_SA_SETUP
*Feb 28 19:40:34.606: ISAKMP (0:50): purging node -2053812406
*Feb 28 19:40:34.606: ISAKMP (0:53): retransmitting phase 1 MM_NO_STATE...
*Feb 28 19:40:34.606: ISAKMP (0:53): incrementing error counter on sa: retransmit phase 1
*Feb 28 19:40:34.606: ISAKMP (0:53): retransmitting phase 1 MM_NO_STATE
*Feb 28 19:40:34.606: ISAKMP (0:53): sending packet to (I) MM_NO_STATE
*Feb 28 19:40:34.610: ISAKMP (0:50): purging node 813247130
*Feb 28 19:40:35.318: ISAKMP (0:0): received packet from (N) NEW SA
*Feb 28 19:40:35.318: ISAKMP: local port 500, remote port 500
*Feb 28 19:40:35.458: ISAKMP (0:54): retransmitting phase 1 MM_SA_SETUP...
*Feb 28 19:40:35.458: ISAKMP (0:54): incrementing error counter on sa: retransmit phase 1
*Feb 28 19:40:35.458: ISAKMP (0:54): retransmitting phase 1 MM_SA_SETUP
*Feb 28 19:40:35.458: ISAKMP (0:54): sending packet to (R) MM_SA_SETUP
*Feb 28 19:40:44.607: ISAKMP (0:53): retransmitting phase 1 MM_NO_STATE...
*Feb 28 19:40:44.607: ISAKMP (0:53): incrementing error counter on sa: retransmit phase 1
*Feb 28 19:40:44.607: ISAKMP (0:53): retransmitting phase 1 MM_NO_STATE
*Feb 28 19:40:44.607: ISAKMP (0:53): sending packet to (I) MM_NO_STATE
*Feb 28 19:40:44.611: ISAKMP (0:50): purging SA., sa=81EAC734, delme=81EAC734
*Feb 28 19:40:45.315: ISAKMP (0:0): received packet from (N) NEW SA
*Feb 28 19:40:45.315: ISAKMP: local port 500, remote port 500
*Feb 28 19:40:45.459: ISAKMP (0:54): retransmitting phase 1 MM_SA_SETUP...
*Feb 28 19:40:45.459: ISAKMP (0:54): incrementing error counter on sa: retransmit phase 1
*Feb 28 19:40:45.459: ISAKMP (0:54): retransmitting phase 1 MM_SA_SETUP
*Feb 28 19:40:45.459: ISAKMP (0:54): sending packet to (R) MM_SA_SETUP
sh log
Syslog logging: enabled (0 messages dropped, 0 messages rate-limited, 0 flushes, 0 overruns)
Console logging: level debugging, 964 messages logged
Monitor logging: level debugging, 0 messages logged
Buffer logging: level debugging, 964 messages logged
Logging Exception size (4096 bytes)
Trap logging: level informational, 36 message lines logged
Log Buffer (16384 bytes):
te_sas): rec'd delete notify from ISAKMP
*Feb 28 19:38:55.467: IPSEC(key_engine_delete_sas): delete all SAs shared with
*Feb 28 19:39:04.603: ISAKMP (0:47): purging node 558732648
*Feb 28 19:39:04.603: ISAKMP (0:50): retransmitting phase 1 MM_NO_STATE...
*Feb 28 19:39:04.603: ISAKMP (0:50): incrementing error counter on sa: retransmit phase 1
*Feb 28 19:39:04.603: ISAKMP (0:50): retransmitting phase 1 MM_NO_STATE
*Feb 28 19:39:04.603: ISAKMP (0:50): sending packet to (I) MM_NO_STATE
*Feb 28 19:39:04.607: ISAKMP (0:47): purging node 422552556
*Feb 28 19:39:04.607: ISAKMP (0:47): purging node -342583638
*Feb 28 19:39:05.315: ISAKMP (0:0): received packet from (N) NEW SA
*Feb 28 19:39:05.315: ISAKMP: local port 500, remote port 500
*Feb 28 19:39:05.319: ISAKMP (0:52): processing SA payload. message ID = 0
*Feb 28 19:39:05.319: ISAKMP (0:52): found peer pre-shared key matching
*Feb 28 19:39:05.319: ISAKMP (0:52): Checking ISAKMP transform 1 against priority 10 policy
*Feb 28 19:39:05.319: ISAKMP: encryption 3DES-CBC *Fe 28 19:39:05.319: ISAKMP: hash MD5
*Feb 28 19:39:05.319: ISAKMP: default group 1
*Feb 28 19:39:05.319: ISAKMP: auth pre-share
*Feb 28 19:39:05.323: ISAKMP: life type in seconds
*Feb 28 19:39:05.323: ISAKMP: life duration (VPI) of 0x0 0x1 0x51 0x80
*Feb 28 19:39:05.323: ISAKMP (0:52): atts are acceptable. Next payload is 0
*Feb 28 19:39:05.459: ISAKMP (0:52): SA is doing pre-shared key authentication using id type ID_IPV4_ADDR
*Feb 28 19:39:05.459: ISAKMP (0:52): sending packet to (R) MM_SA_SETUP
*Feb 28 19:39:05.463: ISAKMP (0:51): retransmitting phase 1 MM_SA_SETUP...
*Feb 28 19:39:05.463: ISAKMP (0:51): incrementing error counter on sa: retransmit phase 1
*Feb 28 19:39:05.463: ISAKMP (0:51): retransmitting phase 1 MM_SA_SETUP
*Feb 28 19:39:05.463: ISAKMP (0:51): sending packet to (R) MM_SA_SETUP
*Feb 28 19:39:05.463: ISAKMP (0:49): retransmitting phase 1 MM_SA_SETUP...
*Feb 28 19:39:05.463: ISAKMP (0:49): phase 1 going away; let's be paranoid.
*Feb 28 19:39:05.463: ISAKMP (0:49): Bring down phase 2's
*Feb 28 19:39:05.463: ISAKMP (0:49): That phase 1 was the last one of its kind. Taking phase 2's with us.
*Feb 28 19:39:05.467: ISAKMP (0:49): peer does not do paranoid keepalives.
*Feb 28 19:39:05.467: ISAKMP (0:49): deleting SA reason "death by retransmission P1" state (R) MM_SA_SETUP (peer input queue 0
*Feb 28 19:39:05.467: IPSEC(key_engine): got a queue event...
*Feb 28 19:39:05.467: IPSEC(key_engine_delete_sas): rec'd delete notify from ISAKMP
*Feb 28 19:39:05.467: IPSEC(key_engine_delete_sas): delete all SAs shared with
*Feb 28 19:39:14.596: IPSEC(key_engine): request timer fired: count = 1,
(identity) local=, remote=,
local_proxy= (type=1),
remote_proxy= (type=1)
*Feb 28 19:39:14.596: IPSEC(sa_request): ,
(key eng. msg.) src=, dest=,
src_proxy= (type=1),
dest_proxy= (type=1),
protocol= ESP, transform= esp-3des esp-md5-hmac ,
lifedur= 3600s and 4608000kb,
spi= 0x59ADC173(1504559475), conn_id= 0, keysize= 0, flags= 0x4000
*Feb 28 19:39:14.600: ISAKMP: received ke message (1/1)
*Feb 28 19:39:14.600: ISAKMP (0:50): SA is still budding. Attached new ipsec request to it.
*Feb 28 19:39:14.604: ISAKMP (0:50): retransmitting phase 1 MM_NO_STATE...
*Feb 28 19:39:14.604: ISAKMP (0:50): incrementing error counter on sa: retransmit phase 1
*Feb 28 19:39:14.604: ISAKMP (0:50): retransmitting phase 1 MM_NO_STATE
*Feb 28 19:39:14.604: ISAKMP (0:50): sending packet to (I) MM_NO_STATE
*Feb 28 19:39:14.608: ISAKMP (0:47): purging SA., sa=81EAC1C8, delme=81EAC1C8
*Feb 28 19:39:15.316: ISAKMP (0:0): received packet from (N) NEW SA
*Feb 28 19:39:15.316: ISAKMP: local port 500, remote port 500
*Feb 28 19:39:15.460: ISAKMP (0:52): retransmitting phase 1 MM_SA_SETUP...
*Feb 28 19:39:15.460: ISAKMP (0:52): incrementing error counter on sa: retransmit phase 1
*Feb 28 19:39:15.460: ISAKMP (0:52): retransmitting phase 1 MM_SA_SETUP
*Feb 28 19:39:15.460: ISAKMP (0:52): sending packet to (R) MM_SA_SETUP
*Feb 28 19:39:15.464: ISAKMP (0:51): retransmitting phase 1 MM_SA_SETUP...
*Feb 28 19:39:15.464: ISAKMP (0:51): incrementing error counter on sa: retransmit phase 1
*Feb 28 19:39:15.464: ISAKMP (0:51): retransmitting phase 1 MM_SA_SETUP
*Feb 28 19:39:15.464: ISAKMP (0:51): sending packet to (R) MM_SA_SETUP
*Feb 28 19:39:24.604: ISAKMP (0:50): retransmitting phase 1 MM_NO_STATE...
*Feb 28 19:39:24.604: ISAKMP (0:50): incrementing error counter on sa: retransmit phase 1
*Feb 28 19:39:24.604: ISAKMP (0:50): retransmitting phase 1 MM_NO_STATE
*Feb 28 19:39:24.604: ISAKMP (0:50): sending packet to (I) MM_NO_STATE
*Feb 28 19:39:25.316: ISAKMP (0:0): received packet from (N) NEW SA
*Feb 28 19:39:25.316: ISAKMP: local port 500, remote port 500
*Feb 28 19:39:25.460: ISAKMP (0:52): retransmitting phase 1 MM_SA_SETUP...
*Feb 28 19:39:25.460: ISAKMP (0:52): incrementing error counter on sa: retransmit phase 1
*Feb 28 19:39:25.460: ISAKMP (0:52): retransmitting phase 1 MM_SA_SETUP
*Feb 28 19:39:25.460: ISAKMP (0:52): sending packet to (R) MM_SA_SETUP
*Feb 28 19:39:25.464: ISAKMP (0:51): retransmitting phase 1 MM_SA_SETUP...
*Feb 28 19:39:25.464: ISAKMP (0:51): incrementing error counter on sa: retransmit phase 1
*Feb 28 19:39:25.464: ISAKMP (0:51): retransmitting phase 1 MM_SA_SETUP
*Feb 28 19:39:25.464: ISAKMP (0:51): sending packet to (R) MM_SA_SETUP
*Feb 28 19:39:34.604: ISAKMP (0:50): retransmitting phase 1 MM_NO_STATE...
*Feb 28 19:39:34.604: ISAKMP (0:50): incrementing error counter on sa: retransmit phase 1
*Feb 28 19:39:34.604: ISAKMP (0:50): retransmitting phase 1 MM_NO_STATE
*Feb 28 19:39:34.604: ISAKMP (0:50): sending packet to (I) MM_NO_STATE
*Feb 28 19:39:35.324: ISAKMP (0:0): received packet from (N) NEW SA
*Feb 28 19:39:35.324: ISAKMP: local port 500, remote port 500
*Feb 28 19:39:35.460: ISAKMP (0:52): retransmitting phase 1 MM_SA_SETUP...
*Feb 28 19:39:35.460: ISAKMP (0:52): incrementing error counter on sa: retransmit phase 1
*Feb 28 19:39:35.460: ISAKMP (0:52): retransmitting phase 1 MM_SA_SETUP
*Feb 28 19:39:35.460: ISAKMP (0:52): sending packet to (R) MM_SA_SETUP
*Feb 28 19:39:35.464: ISAKMP (0:51): retransmitting phase 1 MM_SA_SETUP...
*Feb 28 19:39:35.464: ISAKMP (0:51): incrementing error counter on sa: retransmit phase 1
*Feb 28 19:39:35.464: ISAKMP (0:51): retransmitting phase 1 MM_SA_SETUP
*Feb 28 19:39:35.464: ISAKMP (0:51): sending packet to (R) MM_SA_SETUP
*Feb 28 19:39:44.597: IPSEC(key_engine): request timer fired: count = 2,
(identity) local=, remote=,
local_proxy= (type=1),
remote_proxy= (type=1)
*Feb 28 19:39:44.597: ISAKMP: received ke message (3/1)
*Feb 28 19:39:44.597: ISAKMP (0:50): ignoring request to send delete notify (sa not authenticated) src dst
*Feb 28 19:39:44.605: ISAKMP (0:50): retransmitting phase 1 MM_NO_STATE...
*Feb 28 19:39:44.605: ISAKMP (0:50): phase 1 going away; let's be paranoid.
*Feb 28 19:39:44.605: ISAKMP (0:50): Bring down phase 2's
*Feb 28 19:39:44.605: ISAKMP (0:50): That phase 1 was the last one of its kind. Taking phase 2's with us.
*Feb 28 19:39:44.605: ISAKMP (0:50): peer does not do paranoid keepalives.
*Feb 28 19:39:44.605: ISAKMP (0:50): deleting SA reason "death by retransmission P1" state (I) MM_NO_STATE (peer input queue 0
*Feb 28 19:39:44.605: ISAKMP (0:50): deleting node -2053812406 error TRUE reason "death by retransmission P1"
*Feb 28 19:39:44.605: ISAKMP (0:50): deleting node 813247130 error TRUE reason "death by retransmission P1"
*Feb 28 19:39:44.609: IPSEC(key_engine): got a queue event...
*Feb 28 19:39:44.609: IPSEC(key_engine_delete_sas): rec'd delete notify from ISAKMP
*Feb 28 19:39:44.609: IPSEC(key_engine_delete_sas): delete all SAs shared with
*Feb 28 19:39:45.317: ISAKMP (0:0): received packet from (N) NEW SA
*Feb 28 19:39:45.317: ISAKMP: local port 500, remote port 500
*Feb 28 19:39:45.461: ISAKMP (0:52): retransmitting phase 1 MM_SA_SETUP...
*Feb 28 19:39:45.461: ISAKMP (0:52): incrementing error counter on sa: retransmit phase 1
*Feb 28 19:39:45.461: ISAKMP (0:52): retransmitting phase 1 MM_SA_SETUP
*Feb 28 19:39:45.461: ISAKMP (0:52): sending packet to (R) MM_SA_SETUP
*Feb 28 19:39:45.465: ISAKMP (0:51): retransmitting phase 1 MM_SA_SETUP...
*Feb 28 19:39:45.465: ISAKMP (0:51): incrementing error counter on sa: retransmit phase 1
*Feb 28 19:39:45.465: ISAKMP (0:51): retransmitting phase 1 MM_SA_SETUP
*Feb 28 19:39:45.465: ISAKMP (0:51): sending packet to (R) MM_SA_SETUP
*Feb 28 19:39:54.597: IPSEC(sa_request): ,
(key eng. msg.) src=, dest=,
src_proxy= (type=1),
dest_proxy= (type=1),
protocol= ESP, transform= esp-3des esp-md5-hmac ,
lifedur= 3600s and 4608000kb,
spi= 0x8EE8ADE3(2397613539), conn_id= 0, keysize= 0, flags= 0x4000
*Feb 28 19:39:54.597: ISAKMP: received ke message (1/1)
*Feb 28 19:39:54.601: ISAKMP: local port 500, remote port 500
*Feb 28 19:39:54.601: ISAKMP (0:53): beginning Main Mode exchange
*Feb 28 19:39:54.601: ISAKMP (0:53): sending packet to (I) MM_NO_STATE
*Feb 28 19:39:55.461: ISAKMP (0:52): retransmitting phase 1 MM_SA_SETUP...
*Feb 28 19:39:55.461: ISAKMP (0:52): incrementing error counter on sa: retransmit phase 1
*Feb 28 19:39:55.461: ISAKMP (0:52): retransmitting phase 1 MM_SA_SETUP
*Feb 28 19:39:55.461: ISAKMP (0:52): sending packet to (R) MM_SA_SETUP
*Feb 28 19:39:55.465: ISAKMP (0:51): retransmitting phase 1 MM_SA_SETUP...
*Feb 28 19:39:55.465: ISAKMP (0:51): phase 1 going away; let's be paranoid.
*Feb 28 19:39:55.465: ISAKMP (0:51): Bring down phase 2's
*Feb 28 19:39:55.465: ISAKMP (0:51): That phase 1 was the last one of its kind. Taking phase 2's with us.
*Feb 28 19:39:55.465: ISAKMP (0:51): peer does not do paranoid keepalives.
*Feb 28 19:39:55.465: ISAKMP (0:51): deleting SA reason "death by retransmission P1" state (R) MM_SA_SETUP (peer input queue 0
*Feb 28 19:39:55.465: IPSEC(key_engine): got a queue event...
*Feb 28 19:39:55.469: IPSEC(key_engine_delete_sas): rec'd delete notify from ISAKMP
*Feb 28 19:39:55.469: IPSEC(key_engine_delete_sas): delete all SAs shared with
*Feb 28 19:39:55.469: ISAKMP (0:48): purging SA., sa=81F012B4, delme=81F012B4
*Feb 28 19:40:04.605: ISAKMP (0:53): retransmitting phase 1 MM_NO_STATE...
*Feb 28 19:40:04.605: ISAKMP (0:53): incrementing error counter on sa: retransmit phase 1
*Feb 28 19:40:04.605: ISAKMP (0:53): retransmitting phase 1 MM_NO_STATE
*Feb 28 19:40:04.605: ISAKMP (0:53): sending packet to (I) MM_NO_STATE
*Feb 28 19:40:05.461: ISAKMP (0:52): retransmitting phase 1 MM_SA_SETUP...
*Feb 28 19:40:05.461: ISAKMP (0:52): phase 1 going away; let's be paranoid.
*Feb 28 19:40:05.461: ISAKMP (0:52): Bring down phase 2's
*Feb 28 19:40:05.461: ISAKMP (0:52): That phase 1 was the last one of its kind. Taking phase 2's with us.
*Feb 28 19:40:05.461: ISAKMP (0:52): peer does not do paranoid keepalives.
*Feb 28 19:40:05.461: ISAKMP (0:52): deleting SA reason "death by retransmission P1" state (R) MM_SA_SETUP (peer input queue 0
*Feb 28 19:40:05.461: IPSEC(key_engine): got a queue event...
*Feb 28 19:40:05.465: IPSEC(key_engine_delete_sas): rec'd delete notify from ISAKMP
*Feb 28 19:40:05.465: IPSEC(key_engine_delete_sas): delete all SAs shared with
*Feb 28 19:40:05.469: ISAKMP (0:49): purging SA., sa=820456A4, delme=820456A4
*Feb 28 19:40:14.606: ISAKMP (0:53): retransmitting phase 1 MM_NO_STATE...
*Feb 28 19:40:14.606: ISAKMP (0:53): incrementing error counter on sa: retransmit phase 1
*Feb 28 19:40:14.606: ISAKMP (0:53): retransmitting phase 1 MM_NO_STATE
*Feb 28 19:40:14.606: ISAKMP (0:53): sending packet to (I) MM_NO_STATE
*Feb 28 19:40:24.598: IPSEC(key_engine): request timer fired: count = 1,
(identity) local=, remote=,
local_proxy= (type=1),
remote_proxy= (type=1)
*Feb 28 19:40:24.598: IPSEC(sa_request): ,
(key eng. msg.) src=, dest=,
src_proxy= (type=1),
dest_proxy= (type=1),
protocol= ESP, transform= esp-3des esp-md5-hmac ,
lifedur= 3600s and 4608000kb,
spi= 0xA109B89F(2701768863), conn_id= 0, keysize= 0, flags= 0x4000
*Feb 28 19:40:24.602: ISAKMP: received ke message (1/1)
*Feb 28 19:40:24.602: ISAKMP (0:53): SA is still budding. Attached new ipsec request to it.
*Feb 28 19:40:24.606: ISAKMP (0:53): retransmitting phase 1 MM_NO_STATE...
*Feb 28 19:40:24.606: ISAKMP (0:53): incrementing error counter on sa: retransmit phase 1
*Feb 28 19:40:24.606: ISAKMP (0:53): retransmitting phase 1 MM_NO_STATE
*Feb 28 19:40:24.606: ISAKMP (0:53): sending packet to (I) MM_NO_STATE
*Feb 28 19:40:25.314: ISAKMP (0:0): received packet from (N) NEW SA
*Feb 28 19:40:25.314: ISAKMP: local port 500, remote port 500
*Feb 28 19:40:25.318: ISAKMP (0:54): processing SA payload. message ID = 0
*Feb 28 19:40:25.318: ISAKMP (0:54): found peer pre-shared key matching
*Feb 28 19:40:25.318: ISAKMP (0:54): Checking ISAKMP transform 1 against priority 10 policy
*Feb 28 19:40:25.318: ISAKMP: encryption 3DES-CBC
*Feb 28 19:40:25.318: ISAKMP: hash MD5
*Feb 28 19:40:25.318: ISAKMP: default group 1
*Feb 28 19:40:25.322: ISAKMP: auth pre-share
*Feb 28 19:40:25.322: ISAKMP: life type in seconds
*Feb 28 19:40:25.322: ISAKMP: life duration (VPI) of 0x0 0x1 0x51 0x80
*Feb 28 19:40:25.322: ISAKMP (0:54): atts are acceptable. Next payload is 0
*Feb 28 19:40:25.458: ISAKMP (0:54): SA is doing pre-shared key authentication using id type ID_IPV4_ADDR
*Feb 28 19:40:25.458: ISAKMP (0:54): sending packet to (R) MM_SA_SETUP
*Feb 28 19:40:34.606: ISAKMP (0:50): purging node -2053812406
*Feb 28 19:40:34.606: ISAKMP (0:53): retransmitting phase 1 MM_NO_STATE...
*Feb 28 19:40:34.606: ISAKMP (0:53): incrementing error counter on sa: retransmit phase 1
*Feb 28 19:40:34.606: ISAKMP (0:53): retransmitting phase 1 MM_NO_STATE
*Feb 28 19:40:34.606: ISAKMP (0:53): sending packet to (I) MM_NO_STATE
*Feb 28 19:40:34.610: ISAKMP (0:50): purging node 813247130
*Feb 28 19:40:35.318: ISAKMP (0:0): received packet from (N) NEW SA
*Feb 28 19:40:35.318: ISAKMP: local port 500, remote port 500
*Feb 28 19:40:35.458: ISAKMP (0:54): retransmitting phase 1 MM_SA_SETUP...
*Feb 28 19:40:35.458: ISAKMP (0:54): incrementing error counter on sa: retransmit phase 1
*Feb 28 19:40:35.458: ISAKMP (0:54): retransmitting phase 1 MM_SA_SETUP
*Feb 28 19:40:35.458: ISAKMP (0:54): sending packet to (R) MM_SA_SETUP
*Feb 28 19:40:44.607: ISAKMP (0:53): retransmitting phase 1 MM_NO_STATE...
*Feb 28 19:40:44.607: ISAKMP (0:53): incrementing error counter on sa: retransmit phase 1
*Feb 28 19:40:44.607: ISAKMP (0:53): retransmitting phase 1 MM_NO_STATE
*Feb 28 19:40:44.607: ISAKMP (0:53): sending packet to (I) MM_NO_STATE
*Feb 28 19:40:44.611: ISAKMP (0:50): purging SA., sa=81EAC734, delme=81EAC734
*Feb 28 19:40:45.315: ISAKMP (0:0): received packet from (N) NEW SA
*Feb 28 19:40:45.315: ISAKMP: local port 500, remote port 500
*Feb 28 19:40:45.459: ISAKMP (0:54): retransmitting phase 1 MM_SA_SETUP...
*Feb 28 19:40:45.459: ISAKMP (0:54): incrementing error counter on sa: retransmit phase 1
*Feb 28 19:40:45.459: ISAKMP (0:54): retransmitting phase 1 MM_SA_SETUP
*Feb 28 19:40:45.459: ISAKMP (0:54): sending packet to (R) MM_SA_SETUP