Problem: trying to install net-snmp on a RedHat 9 server, using a RedHat9 specific rpm, fails on two dependencies:
Perl(Tk) and Perl(Term::ReadKey)
I tried to install Tk and TermReadKey in two ways:
1) with perl -MCPAN -e shell, and then install both from CPAN
2) downloaded the tarballs and then ran configure and make according the options in the README.
Got some error messages in both situations...
When I try to reinstall via the Perl/CPAN method, it responds with 'already installed', but installation of the rpm-package still fails...
Anybody any clues on how to confirm if these modules/packages (whatever they are) are installed correctly, and if so how to make sure rpm knows where they are; or another solution to solve the problem?
Perl(Tk) and Perl(Term::ReadKey)
I tried to install Tk and TermReadKey in two ways:
1) with perl -MCPAN -e shell, and then install both from CPAN
2) downloaded the tarballs and then ran configure and make according the options in the README.
Got some error messages in both situations...
When I try to reinstall via the Perl/CPAN method, it responds with 'already installed', but installation of the rpm-package still fails...
Anybody any clues on how to confirm if these modules/packages (whatever they are) are installed correctly, and if so how to make sure rpm knows where they are; or another solution to solve the problem?