I am trying to get the HOTFIXES to list off a server via ASP web page. They will not list. Below is my code.
The only thing that list is the text "Server Hotfix Information".. The script will not go and get the hotfix info. If I run it by itself and not in a asp page, just vbscript, it runs fine..
response.write "<u>Server Hotfix Information</u>"
objWMIService = Server.GetObject("winmgmts:" & "{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\" & strComputer & "\root\cimv2"
colQuickFixes = Server.objWMIService.ExecQuery ("Select * from Win32_QuickFixEngineering"
response.write "<div style='padding:10 10;'>"
response.write "<table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 style='padding:0 5'>"
For Each objQuickFix in colQuickFixes
response.write "<u>Computer: " & objQuickFix.CSName &"</u>"
response.write "Description: " & objQuickFix.Description
response.write "Hot Fix ID: " & objQuickFix.HotFixID
response.write "Installation Date: " & objQuickFix.InstallDate
response.write "Installed By: " & objQuickFix.InstalledBy
response.write "</table>"
response.write "</div>"
The only thing that list is the text "Server Hotfix Information".. The script will not go and get the hotfix info. If I run it by itself and not in a asp page, just vbscript, it runs fine..
response.write "<u>Server Hotfix Information</u>"
objWMIService = Server.GetObject("winmgmts:" & "{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\" & strComputer & "\root\cimv2"
colQuickFixes = Server.objWMIService.ExecQuery ("Select * from Win32_QuickFixEngineering"
response.write "<div style='padding:10 10;'>"
response.write "<table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 style='padding:0 5'>"
For Each objQuickFix in colQuickFixes
response.write "<u>Computer: " & objQuickFix.CSName &"</u>"
response.write "Description: " & objQuickFix.Description
response.write "Hot Fix ID: " & objQuickFix.HotFixID
response.write "Installation Date: " & objQuickFix.InstallDate
response.write "Installed By: " & objQuickFix.InstalledBy
response.write "</table>"
response.write "</div>"