I have the following VB 6 code calling a sp in SQL 7.0. The sp returns a value through an output parameter. I cannot get the VB app to pickup the output parameter value.
With g_adoComm
.CommandType = adCmdStoredProc
' set the name of the stored procedure
.CommandText = "usp_GroupDesign"
' create and append the input parameter
.Parameters.Append g_adoComm.CreateParameter("ClientCode", adBSTR, adParamInput)
' set the initial value of the parameter
.Value = sClient
' create and assign output parameter value to function output
.Parameters.Append g_adoComm.CreateParameter("@Client", adBSTR, adParamOutput)
'set connection object
.ActiveConnection = g_adoConn
vReturn = .Parameters("@Client"
How do I get the client app to recognize the SQL Output Param? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
With g_adoComm
.CommandType = adCmdStoredProc
' set the name of the stored procedure
.CommandText = "usp_GroupDesign"
' create and append the input parameter
.Parameters.Append g_adoComm.CreateParameter("ClientCode", adBSTR, adParamInput)
' set the initial value of the parameter
' create and assign output parameter value to function output
.Parameters.Append g_adoComm.CreateParameter("@Client", adBSTR, adParamOutput)
'set connection object
.ActiveConnection = g_adoConn
vReturn = .Parameters("@Client"
How do I get the client app to recognize the SQL Output Param? Any help would be greatly appreciated.