I am using Ubuntu 7.07 on a separate system.
I am using a Engenius EUB-362 EXT module. It connects to a yagi antenna and it is a usb lan driver device. Since I am located within three public hotspots, I am picking up excellent signals. It works flawlessly in Windows but I want it to work properly in Ubuntu. I compiled ndiswrapper to work with the the 362 drivers and they are on my desktop. I type first sudo modprobe ndiswrapper and then ndiswrapper -l, it lists the inf file of the device Net5523:driver installed and device present and I cannot find the device in network setting.
How can I get the device to be recognized in Network so I go on line in Ubuntu ?
I am using Ubuntu 7.07 on a separate system.
I am using a Engenius EUB-362 EXT module. It connects to a yagi antenna and it is a usb lan driver device. Since I am located within three public hotspots, I am picking up excellent signals. It works flawlessly in Windows but I want it to work properly in Ubuntu. I compiled ndiswrapper to work with the the 362 drivers and they are on my desktop. I type first sudo modprobe ndiswrapper and then ndiswrapper -l, it lists the inf file of the device Net5523:driver installed and device present and I cannot find the device in network setting.
How can I get the device to be recognized in Network so I go on line in Ubuntu ?