I have built a shopping cart, and my client wants to be able to discount shipping depending on what item in the cart.
Red hat, blue hat, orange hat
If you buy red had and orange hat together you get a x% discount on shipping.
How could I do this to allow 1 product to have unlimited options for this, and calculate it. I really am having trouble thinking of a soultion.
My MySQL database structure is as follows:
shopping table: items in user cart
Thanks for your help in advance.
Red hat, blue hat, orange hat
If you buy red had and orange hat together you get a x% discount on shipping.
How could I do this to allow 1 product to have unlimited options for this, and calculate it. I really am having trouble thinking of a soultion.
My MySQL database structure is as follows:
shopping table: items in user cart
((( pid = product id )))
CREATE TABLE shopping (
sid int(50) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
pid int(30) unsigned default NULL,
qty int(8) unsigned default NULL,
uid int(30) unsigned default NULL,
swhen datetime default NULL,
UNIQUE KEY sid (sid)
Thanks for your help in advance.