I have an SQL table that I entered 2 extra records by mistake. I have tried to delete the record and I keep on getting an error. When I highlight the record a messgae box comes up You are about to delete 1 row(s). Click yes to permanently delete these rows. You won't be able to undo these changes. I click yes
The messgae I gete is No rows were deleted.
A problem occured attempting to delete row 35.
error Source: Microsoft.VisualSudio.dataTools.
Error Message; The row calues updated or deleted either do not make the row unique or they alter multiple rows(2 rows).
Correct the errors and atttempt to delete the row again.
The messgae I gete is No rows were deleted.
A problem occured attempting to delete row 35.
error Source: Microsoft.VisualSudio.dataTools.
Error Message; The row calues updated or deleted either do not make the row unique or they alter multiple rows(2 rows).
Correct the errors and atttempt to delete the row again.