Would anybody know why I can't create an instance of an object utilizing the New operator? My ASP engine runs standard ASP code okay, but when I add the New keyword, it complains about the syntax. This is the weirdest thing. I've checked the syntax in books and on sites. Following is some code that I copied straight from a website just to test.
Dim str ' some string that needs to have certain words
' replaced with other words
str = "Apache Rules"
Dim objRegExp
Set objRegExp = New RegExp SYNTAX COMPLAINT
objRegExp.IgnoreCase = True
objRegExp.Global = True
'Replace all instances of Apache with IIS
objRegExp.Pattern = "\bApache\b"
str = objRegExp.Replace(str, "IIS"
'Repalce all instances of Perl with ASP
objRegExp.Pattern = "\bPerl\b"
str = objRegExp.Replace(str, "ASP"
Set objRegExp = Nothing 'Clean up!
response.write str
Thanks in advance,
Would anybody know why I can't create an instance of an object utilizing the New operator? My ASP engine runs standard ASP code okay, but when I add the New keyword, it complains about the syntax. This is the weirdest thing. I've checked the syntax in books and on sites. Following is some code that I copied straight from a website just to test.
Dim str ' some string that needs to have certain words
' replaced with other words
str = "Apache Rules"
Dim objRegExp
Set objRegExp = New RegExp SYNTAX COMPLAINT
objRegExp.IgnoreCase = True
objRegExp.Global = True
'Replace all instances of Apache with IIS
objRegExp.Pattern = "\bApache\b"
str = objRegExp.Replace(str, "IIS"
'Repalce all instances of Perl with ASP
objRegExp.Pattern = "\bPerl\b"
str = objRegExp.Replace(str, "ASP"
Set objRegExp = Nothing 'Clean up!
response.write str
Thanks in advance,