I am trying to learn Oracle by "playing" on my own PC. Based on some advice I had gotten from this site, I had my work purchase the book, A Guide to Oracle 8. It didn't come with the software, so I originally downloaded and installed Personal Oracle 8.1.7 and Developer 6i from the Oracle site. But, I didn't have Report Builder, Query Builder, or Graphics Builder. I came to a part in the book where I needed data to load the tables in the databases that the book was using so I went to the site referenced in the book and downloaded the student disks. On this site, I saw that they recommended that Developer be installed before Personal Edition and that they be in separate folders. I hadn't done it that way so I followed the instructions to delete the original Personal Edition, reinstalled Developer and then downloaded and installed Personal Edition again. Per the instructions, I used orcl as the global database name and therefore the SID. Before I could connect using SQL Plus through Start, Programs, etc. using the default passwords. Now when I try and connect that way, even before I get the login box for SQL I get a message that says "Message file SP1<lang>.msb not found". Can anyone help?