I am trying to revise a client invoice format for Wind2 using Crystal Reports and I need to add a total field for the professional fees sub-report. I had to modify the billing charge field, as the invoice format that we were using using a field report, (bmblct.ncttot) which used the summary of the cost amount assigned to each time record that made up the number of bill hours for each staff type. Our invoice is a summary type invoice, and only gives the staff type, total number of bill hours for the staff type, billing rate, and total charge for each staff type. When we implemented a new rate schedule with odd billing rates, it caused rounding issues on the invoice. (For example, a staff code with 1.25 billable hours at $61.26/hour will print on the invoice as $76.59, if the 1.25 hours is made up of more than one time entry) When I right click on the formula I made to multiply the billable hours by the billable rate, I do not have the option to insert a summary. When I try to create a new formula to sum that field, I get the error that "This Field Can Not Be Summarized." The formula I used to get the correct billing charge for each staff type for each phase is Sum({bmblct.nbillhours}, {bmblct.cstypeid})*{bmblct.nrbillrate} and called it @Billing Charge. But I can't sum this field. Is is because this is a Sum formula? Any help is appreciated, I am not brand new to Crystal, but I am far from an expert.