I have an Access 2000 split db, with both the front end and back end replicated.
In the design master (and replica of course) of the front end, I have been attempting to use the following code with no luck:
In the desgin master front end, it works fine (BTW, all of the tables are linked to the replicated back end). And when I create a NEW front end replica, the code runs fine in the replica. But when I make a change to the front end design master and synchronize to the existing front end replica, I get the error: 3452 Cannot make changes to this replica.
This is driving me nuts. And to boot, when I use the linked table manager in the replica, it will succefully refresh the first 6 tables, then will always error on one particular table, If I skip that table, there are 3 or 4 others that the same error will happen to.
I have built the front and back end desgin masters from scratch already (twice), and done a million and one things to try to figure this out, but I am stumped.
I just need to refresh links in a front end replica, but cannot becuase it errors out saying that I cam trying to make a chnage to the replica, when in fact I am not. Even MS says that tbldef.RefreshLink does not constitute a desgin change in a replica.
Any ideas????
In the design master (and replica of course) of the front end, I have been attempting to use the following code with no luck:
Public Function fRefreshLinks() As Boolean
Dim dbCurrent As Database
Dim tblLinked As TableDef
Dim x As Integer
On Error GoTo RefreshTableLinks_Err
Screen.MousePointer = 11
Set dbCurrent = CurrentDb()
For Each tblLinked In dbCurrent.TableDefs
If tblLinked.Connect <> "" Then
End If
Set dbCurrent = Nothing
fRefreshLinks = True
Screen.MousePointer = 1
Exit Function
MsgBox Err.number & " " & Error$
fRefreshLinks = False
Resume fRefreshLinks_Exit
End Function
In the desgin master front end, it works fine (BTW, all of the tables are linked to the replicated back end). And when I create a NEW front end replica, the code runs fine in the replica. But when I make a change to the front end design master and synchronize to the existing front end replica, I get the error: 3452 Cannot make changes to this replica.
This is driving me nuts. And to boot, when I use the linked table manager in the replica, it will succefully refresh the first 6 tables, then will always error on one particular table, If I skip that table, there are 3 or 4 others that the same error will happen to.
I have built the front and back end desgin masters from scratch already (twice), and done a million and one things to try to figure this out, but I am stumped.
I just need to refresh links in a front end replica, but cannot becuase it errors out saying that I cam trying to make a chnage to the replica, when in fact I am not. Even MS says that tbldef.RefreshLink does not constitute a desgin change in a replica.
Any ideas????