I'm trying to summarize two formula fields @Full_late and @Full_On_Time but there are not an option under Running Totals function in CR. Please help. Thanks in advance.
Add'l Info: I have 5 groupings: vendor, ponumber, polinenumber, itemnumberA, itemnumberB
@Full_late = If {POP10500.DATERECD} > {POP10110.REQDATE} then 1 else 0
@Full_On_Time = If {@Qty Open*}=0 and {POP10500.DATERECD} <= {POP10110.REQDATE} then 1 else 0
{@Qty Open*} = {@Qty Ordered}-Sum ({POP10500.QTYSHPPD}, {POP10110.ITEMNMBR})
Report Preview:
itemnumber / rct number / date rcvd / reqdate / qty order / qty ship / full ot / full late
ABC / rct1 / 11-01-04 / 11-30-04 / 165 / 85 / 1 / 0
ABC / rct2 / 12-01-04 / 11-30-04 / 165 / 80 / 0 / 1
Description of preview:
I have an order for 165 units that were fulfilled by two receipts of 80 and 85. If any of the receipts is greater than the req. date, the whole order is late. Therefore, in my group 5, it shows the order as being late. I want to sum up these two fields. What can I do?
I hope I wasn't TOO confusing.
Note: I was thinking of using a variable to do a sum but don't know how to reset the value based on a change of group in formula editor. That may help.
I'm trying to summarize two formula fields @Full_late and @Full_On_Time but there are not an option under Running Totals function in CR. Please help. Thanks in advance.
Add'l Info: I have 5 groupings: vendor, ponumber, polinenumber, itemnumberA, itemnumberB
@Full_late = If {POP10500.DATERECD} > {POP10110.REQDATE} then 1 else 0
@Full_On_Time = If {@Qty Open*}=0 and {POP10500.DATERECD} <= {POP10110.REQDATE} then 1 else 0
{@Qty Open*} = {@Qty Ordered}-Sum ({POP10500.QTYSHPPD}, {POP10110.ITEMNMBR})
Report Preview:
itemnumber / rct number / date rcvd / reqdate / qty order / qty ship / full ot / full late
ABC / rct1 / 11-01-04 / 11-30-04 / 165 / 85 / 1 / 0
ABC / rct2 / 12-01-04 / 11-30-04 / 165 / 80 / 0 / 1
Description of preview:
I have an order for 165 units that were fulfilled by two receipts of 80 and 85. If any of the receipts is greater than the req. date, the whole order is late. Therefore, in my group 5, it shows the order as being late. I want to sum up these two fields. What can I do?
I hope I wasn't TOO confusing.
Note: I was thinking of using a variable to do a sum but don't know how to reset the value based on a change of group in formula editor. That may help.