I setup an integration using Scribe insight for a client. When I tried running it on their company I ran into multicurrecny errors. I was told that econnect needs a functional currency set up, so I did the following:
1-Went into system setup and gave the co access to US currency.
2-Tried to set this currency as the functional currency and I get the following message:
"Activity for this currency already exist. The functional currency can't be change"
Little confused since functional currency wasn't ever setup.
Any help would be appreciated. Thks Vic
1-Went into system setup and gave the co access to US currency.
2-Tried to set this currency as the functional currency and I get the following message:
"Activity for this currency already exist. The functional currency can't be change"
Little confused since functional currency wasn't ever setup.
Any help would be appreciated. Thks Vic