I am using windows 7 64 bit 8 gigs of memory Access 2007
I am developing a tracking system
I have a main form and can have one or more employees woring on the problem
I created a continuous subform using a table named tblEmployeeAssignment.
One of the fields on the form is a combo box that is bound to a field named EmpFullName in my Employee table
When I try to save a record, I receive a message stating that the record could not be saved because it would create a duplicate.
However, when I close the form "without saving" the record, the record is actually saved in the tblEmployeeAssignment table.
There is only this one one record in the table.
It looks like the saving of the record tries to do so in the current record and the next record but I am not sure.
After the record is saved in the table, I close and reopen the form. The form does not repopulate even though I have a recordsource set as follows:
Me.RecordSource = "Select * From tblEmployeeAssignment Where EmpProblemID=1".
I know this is the correct EmpProblemID because I am force feeding it manually.
Primary Key fields of tblEmployeeAssignment:
ProblemID, EmpID
The fields on the form are: ProblemID, EmpID, FirstName, LastName FullName (ComboBox) and HoursWorked.
The combobox is filled from the Employee table.
Is there any way I can find out what table is having the duplication problem?
I tried to set up a recordset to save the assignment record and then set the RecordSource of the form to give me all tblEmployeeAssignment records for the current issue.
When I received the error, I commented out the recordsource and tried to do a Requery but still got the same error.
I set the ProblemID manually to 1 for the test.
After saving the recordset, I try to repopulate the form by resetting the recordsource but nothing appears on the form.
Since the EmpID and ProblemID fields are null, I need to manually set the EmpID on the form or it doesn't get set and I wind up with a "Key Field Cannot Be Blank" error.
This is my sub:
Private Sub cmbEmployee_AfterUpdate()
On Error GoTo Err_cmbEmployee_AfterUpdate
intProbID = Me.Parent.ProblemID
Set dbAssignment = CurrentDb
Set rsAssignment = dbAssignment.OpenRecordset("Select * From tblEmployeeAssignment", dbOpenDynaset)
rsAssignment.FindFirst "EmpID='" & cmbEmployee.Column(0) & "' and ProblemID=" & intProbID
If rsAssignment.NoMatch Then
rsAssignment!EmpID = Me!cmbEmployee.Column(0)
rsAssignment!ProblemID = intProbID
End If
rsAssignment!EmpLastName = Me!cmbEmployee.Column(1)
rsAssignment!EmpFirstName = Me!cmbEmployee.Column(2)
rsAssignment!EmpFullName = Me!cmbEmployee.Column(3)
rsAssignment!Hours = Me.Hours
Me.RecordSource = "Select * From tblEmployeeAssignment Where ProblemID=" & intProbID
Exit Sub
If Err.Number = 3058 Then
Exit Sub
End If
MsgBox Err.Number & " " & Err.Description
Exit Sub
Resume Next
End Sub
I am developing a tracking system
I have a main form and can have one or more employees woring on the problem
I created a continuous subform using a table named tblEmployeeAssignment.
One of the fields on the form is a combo box that is bound to a field named EmpFullName in my Employee table
When I try to save a record, I receive a message stating that the record could not be saved because it would create a duplicate.
However, when I close the form "without saving" the record, the record is actually saved in the tblEmployeeAssignment table.
There is only this one one record in the table.
It looks like the saving of the record tries to do so in the current record and the next record but I am not sure.
After the record is saved in the table, I close and reopen the form. The form does not repopulate even though I have a recordsource set as follows:
Me.RecordSource = "Select * From tblEmployeeAssignment Where EmpProblemID=1".
I know this is the correct EmpProblemID because I am force feeding it manually.
Primary Key fields of tblEmployeeAssignment:
ProblemID, EmpID
The fields on the form are: ProblemID, EmpID, FirstName, LastName FullName (ComboBox) and HoursWorked.
The combobox is filled from the Employee table.
Is there any way I can find out what table is having the duplication problem?
I tried to set up a recordset to save the assignment record and then set the RecordSource of the form to give me all tblEmployeeAssignment records for the current issue.
When I received the error, I commented out the recordsource and tried to do a Requery but still got the same error.
I set the ProblemID manually to 1 for the test.
After saving the recordset, I try to repopulate the form by resetting the recordsource but nothing appears on the form.
Since the EmpID and ProblemID fields are null, I need to manually set the EmpID on the form or it doesn't get set and I wind up with a "Key Field Cannot Be Blank" error.
This is my sub:
Private Sub cmbEmployee_AfterUpdate()
On Error GoTo Err_cmbEmployee_AfterUpdate
intProbID = Me.Parent.ProblemID
Set dbAssignment = CurrentDb
Set rsAssignment = dbAssignment.OpenRecordset("Select * From tblEmployeeAssignment", dbOpenDynaset)
rsAssignment.FindFirst "EmpID='" & cmbEmployee.Column(0) & "' and ProblemID=" & intProbID
If rsAssignment.NoMatch Then
rsAssignment!EmpID = Me!cmbEmployee.Column(0)
rsAssignment!ProblemID = intProbID
End If
rsAssignment!EmpLastName = Me!cmbEmployee.Column(1)
rsAssignment!EmpFirstName = Me!cmbEmployee.Column(2)
rsAssignment!EmpFullName = Me!cmbEmployee.Column(3)
rsAssignment!Hours = Me.Hours
Me.RecordSource = "Select * From tblEmployeeAssignment Where ProblemID=" & intProbID
Exit Sub
If Err.Number = 3058 Then
Exit Sub
End If
MsgBox Err.Number & " " & Err.Description
Exit Sub
Resume Next
End Sub