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Cannot open SQL Server

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Aug 5, 2002

I have a VB form that calls a Crystal Report.
When i try to view the report, the folowing error occurs: "Cannot open SQL server".

Does anyone know why this happens?
hello every1,
I also have the same problem with saramaia.
This is my case:

I use crystal report 8. When i design my report,
i choose my database and tables using report expert connecting thru ODBC - MS Access Database.
I also have subreports in my report.
In every subreports and in my main report, I check the option Database - Verify on Every Print.
I also check the option File - Save Data with Report.

My Report works fine when i viewed it in Crystal Report Program.

Now, I called my report in VB.
This is how i Called it:
Crep1.ReportFileName = App.Path & "\reports\saleinvoice.rpt"
Crep1.WindowTitle = "Report " & Me.txtInvoiceNo
Crep1.SelectionFormula = "{saleinvoice.invoiceno}='" & Me.txtInvoiceNo & "'"
Crep1.WindowState = crptNormal
Crep1.SubreportToChange = "SalesList"
Crep1.SubreportToChange = "Additional"
Crep1.SubreportToChange = "Deductions"
Crep1.Action = 1

* crep1 is my crystal report control name

This code works fine except that it won't reflect newly added/edited fields/data.:(
I uncheck the option File-Save data with report and I get the error can't open sql server.

In my VB program, i connect to my database using odbc - ADO connection using the odbc data source administrator.
My connectionstring in my DSN is [ Provider=MSDASQL.1;Extended Properties="DSN=StarTrend;DBQ=C:\Star Trend Ware House\database\Trend.mdb;DriverId=25;FIL=MS Access;MaxBufferSize=2048;PageTimeout=5;" ].

Can Pls anyone help me with this problem or give me sites i can read that can help me. This has been my problem for a week and I have been experimenting but to no success.

Thank you very much.
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Part and Inventory Search

