I made a report in Crystal report 7.
I connected it with Active Data to a MS SQL view.
In CR7 everything works fine.
I have on my computer Win2000 and IIS. So CR7 installed also the Crystal Report Web server.
The first time I opened the report with my browser worked fine.
The second time I got the error: Cannot open SQL server.
I retried in CR7 and the same report worked fine and refreshes data normaly.
After one hour I tried again with my IE5 browser and again it was OK.
I tried to refresh the page and i gor again the same error.
Why the error comes and goes?
I connected it with Active Data to a MS SQL view.
In CR7 everything works fine.
I have on my computer Win2000 and IIS. So CR7 installed also the Crystal Report Web server.
The first time I opened the report with my browser worked fine.
The second time I got the error: Cannot open SQL server.
I retried in CR7 and the same report worked fine and refreshes data normaly.
After one hour I tried again with my IE5 browser and again it was OK.
I tried to refresh the page and i gor again the same error.
Why the error comes and goes?