Iam using Crystal Report Active X Control for displaying my report. Within VB iam trying to connect to a new database.
But it is unable to do so giving error "Cannot Open SQL Server Error No :20599"
Hope somebody can help me.
Code :
With crxReport
.ReportFileName = App.Path & "\X.rpt"
.LogOnServer "p2ssql.dll", strServerName, strDatabase, strUID, strPwd
.Action = 1
End With
Iam using Crystal Report Active X Control for displaying my report. Within VB iam trying to connect to a new database.
But it is unable to do so giving error "Cannot Open SQL Server Error No :20599"
Hope somebody can help me.
Code :
With crxReport
.ReportFileName = App.Path & "\X.rpt"
.LogOnServer "p2ssql.dll", strServerName, strDatabase, strUID, strPwd
.Action = 1
End With