I get error: "Parameter is incorrect" when trying to join computer to domain. Can ping domain DNS name.Cant find much on Google that can help me troubleshoot this.
Has this computer been a member of the domain before? Trying to join with a name that already exists? If so, remove the existing object in your AD. Try changing the SID on the client machine as well.
I'm Certifiable, not cert-ified.
It just means my answers are from experience, not a book.
There are no more PDC's! There are DC's with FSMO roles!
That's what i am doing, but getting "parameter is incorrect" while trying to join the new domain on all computers. Will try changing SID or computername and test again.
Do not create the computer accounts in the domain before joining the computer to that domain, that's your problem. As I've already instructed...remove the objects in the target AD that you are attempting to join that correspond to the computer accounts.
I'm Certifiable, not cert-ified.
It just means my answers are from experience, not a book.
There are no more PDC's! There are DC's with FSMO roles!
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