I'm using ADO in VB and I'm having problems on inserting into tables field values with double quote and single quote in it...
these statements were ok:
insert into table1 (Field1) Values ("With Single (') Qoute"
insert into table1 (Field1) Values ('With Double (" Qoute')
now these are some problems:
insert into table1 (Field1) Values ('With both single and (')("double quote')
insert into table1 (Field1) Values ("With both single and (')("double quote"
can somebody help...
I'm using ADO in VB and I'm having problems on inserting into tables field values with double quote and single quote in it...
these statements were ok:
insert into table1 (Field1) Values ("With Single (') Qoute"
insert into table1 (Field1) Values ('With Double (" Qoute')
now these are some problems:
insert into table1 (Field1) Values ('With both single and (')("double quote')
insert into table1 (Field1) Values ("With both single and (')("double quote"
can somebody help...