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Cannot Insert Picture 'test.tif' into a container field

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Jan 16, 2003
When I do an Insert Picture into a container with a .tif file I get the error "test.tif could not be imported. The filter could not import the selected file." Anybody have an idea of what's wrong. I am using Filemaker 5.5 and 6 and the documentation says you can insert .tif files.
how about doing on you container field:
Insert Object-->Create from a file [Browse...]
try to insert it as a Reference Only

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Thanks for your reply. That does work, but I would also like to import a folder of files(Filemaker 6) that are .tif files and be able to map picture fields. I get the error I mentioned previously.
hmmm.....then tell me more about the "be able to map picture fields"...what exactly do you mean by 'map'?
...let me know and perhaps we find the solution!
All the best!

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When you import a folder of images in Filemaker 6 you can map the image to a container field, the file name to a text field, the path to a text field and a thumbnail of the image to a container field.
I think the problem is we are creating multi-page .tif files and these files are causing the error. The import and insert picture seem to work with a .tif that is an actual picture.
"map " = u mean refrence it?!

ok..u never mentioned "creating multi-page .tif "...do u mind if I ask why mupltiple page of .tif....if u need "more than an object-page" than use the .pdf to store multile pages and keep all the files. Another thought would be copmressing .tiff files into ONEfile.zip or .sit .rar....whatever works for you!
all the best!

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We are scanning multi-page documents(receipts) and the scanning software creates multi_page .tif files. It sounds like we will have to do the 'insert object' for each of the .tif files we create.
Thanks for all of your help.
I would look into settings of the scanning software and what size of images it creates...peraps there is no need for muptiple pages....anyhow u sounds like you got it!

all the best!

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I'm amazed at the number of responses from people without FileMaker expertise. FileMaker converts every image into a Container Field into a PICT image. It converts these images via filters in the Claris Translators folder. If you are missing the TIF Translator, the insert picture function will work, but if will yeild the error you are getting. If you let me know whether you are Mac or Windows, I can get you the exact path for you to check, but it's inside the Windows or System Folders. If you upgraded from WinME to Win XP I have seen this folder orphaned in the old folder and import functions dies untill it was restored. The FileMaker installer was also no help because it sees those files and assumes that they are still in the proper folder.

If you need more help, let me know.


Joe King
I am running Windows NT 4. When I do an insert picture with a normal TIF file it works fine. It's only when I try a multipage TIF that I get the error. If you know the folder the translator is in let me know and I will check to make sure I have it.

HI expert!
"I'm amazed at the number of responses from people without FileMaker expertise"
-- well no one else seems to be willing to share and help...so it is better to try to help then do nothing.

"FileMaker converts every image into a Container Field into a PICT image."
- if u reference the file...the file will remain in the format it is ...all that is stored in the Container Field is a path that points to that file (most graphics).....so I was thought [neutral]
but what do I know...I do what I am told and obvisly an NOT an expert.
All the best!

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