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Cannot display image from bootsector

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May 28, 2005
Okay, the following program works fine if compiled into an EXE file, however it does not when loaded as a bootsector.

It's supposed to display an image, but it only displays a green screen with lines of garbled pixels (the lines are different on each computer I try it on, so the image isn't loaded at all into memory):

bits 16
org   7C00h

	; Set up the stack
	cli		; Don't use interrupts
	mov ax, 7B0h	; Make stack start at 7C00h-256 = 7B00h
	mov ss, ax
	mov sp, 256	; Make it 256 bytes
	mov ax, cs	; Set the data segment
	mov ds, ax
	xor ax, ax
	mov es, ax
	sti		; Do use interrupts
	mov ax, 13h	; Set video mode
	int 10h		; Call video interrupt
			; to enter that mode
	; Write the palette...
	mov dx, 3C8h	; Tell the video card that
	xor al, al	; we want to write the
	out dx, al	; palette (port 3C8h)
	inc dl		; Increment DL by one
	mov dx, 3C8h	; Port 3C8h: Write palette
	xor al, al	; Make AL zero
	out dx, al	; Send data to port
	inc dl		; Increment DL by one
	mov di, Pal	; Move the palette into DI
	mov cx, 256*3	; Let CX store the data size
	rep outsb	; Copy the palette
	; Write the image...
	push Pic	; Copy image data to DS
	pop ds
	xor si, si
	push 0A000h	; Video buffer is in ES
	pop es
	xor di, di
	mov cx, 320*200	; Size of data is in CX
	rep movsw	; Perform the moving
	; Loop forever...
	.hang: jmp .hang

; Fill program up until 510 bytes
times 510 - ($ - $$) db 0

; Boot sector identifier (2 bytes)
	dw	0xAA55

; Include the image
Pal: incbin "foo.raw.pal"
Pic: incbin "foo.raw"

; Fill the rest of the disk image with zeros
EOF equ ($ - start)
SizeInSectors equ ((EOF - EOF % 512) / 512 + 1)
;times (2880*512 - ($ - $$)) db 0
times (SizeInSectors * 512) - ($ - $$) db 0

Help? Thanks in advance.
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