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Cannot delete file or directory 1

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Technical User
Dec 30, 2002
Hi All!

I just had my C drive replaced by Dell, and now I cannot delete anything from my D drive. All other drives work fine, and I can run from D and install to D, but I cannot remove anything from D. Here is the message I get:

Error Deleting File or Folder:
Cannot delete (filename): the file or directory is corrupted and unreadable.

I've tried running scandisk, but it wont run on that drive.


"Whatever one man can dream, another can accomplish" - Jules Verne
What OS are you using? How big is the drive? Is it formated NTFS or FAT32?
I am using XP Home. The hard disk itself is 15 gig partitioned into 3.5 gig drives. I can delete from other drives on the same hard disk, but not from the D partition. All but the C drive are FAT32 partitions.

"Whatever one man can dream, another can accomplish" - Jules Verne
Thanks for the link, Bill... but there is no Security tab when I right click on the drive and choose Properties. And yes, I am logged in with Administrator priveleges.

"Whatever one man can dream, another can accomplish" - Jules Verne
Is this then FAT32, or is it because its XP Home edition?

If it is XP Pro and NTFS please advise.
Sorry, I thought I'd posted that already.

System is Dell Dimension 4600 running XP Home.

Drive C is NTFS and is working fine.

Drives D, E, F, G, H are all partitions of the same physical disk and are all formatted as FAT32. I am having no problems with the other partitions/drives.

"Whatever one man can dream, another can accomplish" - Jules Verne

I just noticed during a reboot that a screen comes up briefly which states that Volume D is "dirty" - this never appeared before the C drive was replaced.

"Whatever one man can dream, another can accomplish" - Jules Verne
Use Recovery Console. There are other ways to run chkdsk on the drives, but I think this the best one. Since you still have access to the machine, follow the instructions below to add it to your boot menu:

Start Recovery Console and do a:

chkdsk c: /r
chkdsk d: /r
Okay... I ran the Recovery Console, chkdsk on both drives as suggested. For drive C, it found and fixed one or more errors. For drive D, it said:

"The volume appears to contain one or more unrecoverable problems" - and I'm still getting the screen that says D is "dirty" everytime I boot.

By the way, it isn't *everything* in drive D that cannot be deleted - it *seems* to be only items that were downloaded after the replacement of C drive that are undeletable.

"Whatever one man can dream, another can accomplish" - Jules Verne
The 'dirty' bit is an internal indicator that chkdsk should be run on boot.

From Technet: "If a volume's dirty bit is set, this indicates that the file system may be in an inconsistent state. The dirty bit can be set because the volume is online and has outstanding changes, because changes were made to the volume and the computer shutdown before the changes were committed to disk, or because corruption was detected on the volume. If the dirty bit is set when the computer restarts, chkdsk runs to verify the consistency of the volume.
Every time Windows XP starts, Autochk.exe is called by the Kernel to scan all volumes to check if the volume dirty bit is set. If the dirty bit is set, autochk performs an immediate chkdsk /f on that volume. Chkdsk /f verifies file system integrity and attempts to fix any problems with the volume. "

I would back up all you data on Drive D and reformat.

Once again, bcastner, you are my hero! Reformatting the D drive not only solved the delete problem, and the "dirty" volume problem... but the *other* problem I was having with my desktop recycle bin has also been fixed!

"Whatever one man can dream, another can accomplish" - Jules Verne
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