Using PowerBuilder 9, creating a datawindow from a stored procedure in informix. It has worked in the past with the script below.
The script is:
CREATE PROCEDURE get_cntr_photo(i_prsn_dvsn_id INTERGER,
i_prsn_cmplx_id CHAR(4),
i_prsn_fclty SMALLINT,
i_prsn_unit SMALLINT,
i_house_sctn CHAR(1),
Within the error box I get:
1 execute kmartin2.get_cntr_phot;0 i_prsn_dvsn_id, =:, =:, =:
If we put the arguments on one line it works.
The script is:
CREATE PROCEDURE get_cntr_photo(i_prsn_dvsn_id INTERGER,
i_prsn_cmplx_id CHAR(4),
i_prsn_fclty SMALLINT,
i_prsn_unit SMALLINT,
i_house_sctn CHAR(1),
Within the error box I get:
1 execute kmartin2.get_cntr_phot;0 i_prsn_dvsn_id, =:, =:, =:
If we put the arguments on one line it works.