I have a site where I use MySQL and it has been running for a very long time. A couple of weeks ago, it started to give random error messages
For a while, the site kept on working but now, the message is persistent and the site simply does not come up.
I am using WAMP (I know, should not use WAMP for production but this is not exactly a production server ... it is a hobby server) on a WIN 2K3.
Thank you all for your suggestions!
Can't connect to MySQL server on 'localhost' (10055)
For a while, the site kept on working but now, the message is persistent and the site simply does not come up.
I am using WAMP (I know, should not use WAMP for production but this is not exactly a production server ... it is a hobby server) on a WIN 2K3.
Thank you all for your suggestions!