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Cannot access the Pickup Groups form of our lab controller

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Sep 18, 2009
While trying to duplicate a customer issue in our lab, I discovered I cannot access the Pickup Groups form of our lab controller. I get a Windows Internet Explorer error:"Generic Forms Error: An unidentified error has occurred." I ran DBMS check full and did a system reset, still can't load this form. I searched and found MitelJam reported the same issue, but saw no fix in that closed thread.

4.2 SP2 PR1 (
This is usually because a weird character has got into the form.

Export all the pickup groups using export button and open in excel, is there any weird chacters like a tilder or something?
I does not look like that form is populated, pasting in exported info:

Pickup Groups vid0.167
0 1 2 3 4
Group GUID Pickup Group Auto Pickup Comment Cluster Enabled
Pickup Group Members vid0.168
0 1 2
Group GUID Number Name

Single controller, using Common Data Distribution. I just checked Network Elements and there is an element entry named "delete" with network sharing set to NO. This must be left over from some lab testing. Tried deleting the element and got "Cannot delete Network Element Record which has an entry in Hosted User Service". Someone else must have tried to delete it, and just renamed it. No Cluster has been created. No other Controllers listed in ICP/PBX Networking.
Performed DB Restore, still getting same error accessing Pickup Groups form.

Logs for error:

Software 253 Error 2012/Aug/21 12:18:41 ESM_CAVH_PICKUP_GROUP_INFO getFirstTuple()->Failed to insert the tuple in system database.167 Main ESM_CAVH_PickupGroupInfo.cpp;1781
Software 252 Warning 2012/Aug/21 12:18:41 ESM_CAVH_PICKUP_GROUP_INFO insert2kTupleInSystemDB()->failed to write field to sys db group info hl tuple Main ESM_CAVH_PickupGroupInfo.cpp;543
Software 251 Warning 2012/Aug/21 12:18:41 ESM_CAVH_PICKUP_GROUP_INFO insertPickupGroupInfoHLTuple()->NE GUID doesn't have the expected length: 0 Main ESM_CAVH_PickupGroupInfo.cpp;697
What about importing that form from a non-corrupted system? Anyone have a Call Pickup Form thay could send me? I've upgraded all my customer systems that were at that version. Could I generate that form from the Mitel Configuration Wizard? Of so, what version wizard?
Could it be that you pulled this backup of a machine running a different IP address then the lab system that you restored the database to? If so change the IP addess to match the customers backup and restore again.
@DoubleUT - The backup I used for the restore was a two month old save from the same controller. Thanks for the input though. :)

I have no other symptoms and appear to be able to access all the other forms in the database.
Upgraded system to
Same error accessing form.
Exported the Pickup form (blank) from another controller at same version & imported successfully to house system.
Rebooted system, still getting same error when form tries to load.
Exported forms from both controllers look identical in csv & txt formats:
Pickup Groups vid0.167
0 1 2 3 4
Group GUID Pickup Group Auto Pickup Comment Cluster Enabled
Pickup Group Members vid0.168
0 1 2
Group GUID Number Name

Pickup Groups vid0.167
0 1 2 3 4
Group GUID Pickup Group Auto Pickup Comment Cluster Enabled
Pickup Group Members vid0.168
0 1 2
Group GUID Number Name
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