I am writing a Delphi app which loops through a list of computer generated words and checking they exist using the WordApp component. This can take some time and I have added a cancel button to break the loop. Of course, the button OnClick message never gets through so I tried running the word checking loop on a separate thread. Normally, this would work but I get an EOleException saying 'CoInitialize has not been called'.
I can find no reference to CoInitialize so I am stuck. If anyone knows how to get round this problem, or has a different idea of how to brek out of the loop by clicking on a button, please let me know. Cheers.
I can find no reference to CoInitialize so I am stuck. If anyone knows how to get round this problem, or has a different idea of how to brek out of the loop by clicking on a button, please let me know. Cheers.