I have a multiple range date parameter in my report ie: "Choose records with start dates 1/5/2000 - 31/5/2000 and 1/7/2002 - 1/8/2003". Is it possible to get all of the chosen date ranges to appear in the report title please ?
If i understand you correctly what you would do is:
Insert Text Object. Then in the text object type something like:
For the dates " " to " " and " " to " "
You would insert the date parament fields in between the "" but would not use the "" (jst for showing you). When you go to insert the fields directly into the text object you will see the cursor change to like a piece of paper, then at that point let go of the mouse and your field will be inserted into the text object. you can then go and format each field the way you want by double clicking the text object then selecting the field you want. right mouse click and then go to format field in the drop down menu
The following will work if there are always going to be 2 date ranges chosen in the parameter. I'm working on one that will will work with more or less date ranges. The following works in CR8. (and higher)
minimum({?date ranges}[1])& " to " & maximum({?date ranges}[1]) & " and "&
minimum({?date ranges}[2])& " to " & maximum({?date ranges}[2]) Mike
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