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Can you replace text in an XSL?

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Nov 5, 2001
I'm working with a COTS product that uses an XSL page for some of its output. We are trying to add line feeds to the text that is output by
 <TD align="center">
					   <xsl:attribute name="headers">idFolderName<xsl:value-of select="position()"/></xsl:attribute>
					   [blue]<xsl:value-of select="@eAlertMessage"/>[/blue]
We cannot figure out where line feeds are stripped from the text that is entered. We are considering adding a special character to the text and replacing it with a line feed in the XSL.

I know very little about XML and XSL - I would normally do this with a javascript function on the server-side but I'm not sure how to do this if it is even possible...

Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build better and bigger idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning. - Rick Cook
It is unclear from your description from where the line feeds (whitespace) are missing. You want a line feed in the value of a <TD> element? But the browser will ignore that...

What are you trying to accomplish?

Tom Morrison
Here's where I am so far - I can call the function and get the results for 'ABCZ' - but I can't figure out how to replace it with a carriage return...
<TD align="center">
	<xsl:attribute name="headers">idFolderName<xsl:value-of select="position()"/></xsl:attribute>
	<xsl:variable name="aMess" select="@eAlertMessage"/>

	<xsl:call-template name="text.replace">
		<xsl:with-param name="texttosearch" select="$aMess"/>
		<xsl:with-param name="texttofind" select="'|'"/>
		[blue]<xsl:with-param name="texttoinsert" select="'ABCZ'"/>[/blue]

        TEMPLATE        text.replace
        PURPOSE         Replace occurrences of text within a text value with new text
        AUTHOR          Tony Rabun <trabun@yahoo.com>
        DATE            10 SEP 2003
            <xsl:call-template name="text.replace"
                <xsl:with-param name="texttosearch" select="your-xpath-here"/>
                <xsl:with-param name="texttofind" select="your-xpath-here"/>
                <xsl:with-param name="texttoinsert" select="your-xpath-here"/>
            texttosearch    TEXT    Text to be searched
            texttofind      TEXT    Text to find
            texttoinsert    TEXT    Text to insert instead of $texttofind
        NOTES           Recursive
  <xsl:template name="text.replace">
        <xsl:param name="texttosearch"/>
        <xsl:param name="texttofind"/>
        <xsl:param name="texttoinsert"/>

        <xsl:variable name="textlength" select="string-length($texttosearch)"/>
        <!-- don't waste time if no text supplied or remaining from recursion-->
        <xsl:if test="$textlength &gt; 0">


                <xsl:when test="contains($texttosearch,$texttofind)">

                    <xsl:variable name="linebeforefirstinstance" select="substring-before($texttosearch,$texttofind)"/>

                    <xsl:variable name="lineafterfirstinstance" select="substring-after($texttosearch,$texttofind)"/>

                    <!-- if there is any text to print (i.e. text before the first occurrence) print it with the replacement text afterwards -->
                    <xsl:if test="string-length($linebeforefirstinstance) &gt; 0">
                        <xsl:value-of select="$linebeforefirstinstance"/>
                    <xsl:value-of select="$texttoinsert"/>
                    <!-- if any is left, recurse-->
                    <xsl:if test="string-length($lineafterfirstinstance) &gt; 0">
                        <xsl:call-template name="text.replace">
                            <xsl:with-param name="texttosearch" select="$lineafterfirstinstance"/>
                            <xsl:with-param name="texttofind" select="$texttofind"/>
                            <xsl:with-param name="texttoinsert" select="$texttoinsert"/>
                    <!-- nothing left to do except print remainder-->
                    <xsl:value-of select="$texttosearch"/>

Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build better and bigger idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning. - Rick Cook
Here's the final solution I worked out...

<xsl:template name="text.replace">
	<xsl:param name="texttosearch"/>
	<xsl:param name="texttofind"/>
	<xsl:variable name="textlength" select="string-length($texttosearch)"/>

	<xsl:if test="$textlength &gt; 0">
			<xsl:when test="contains($texttosearch,$texttofind)">
				<xsl:value-of select="substring-before($texttosearch,$texttofind)" /> 
				<br /> 
				<xsl:call-template name="text.replace">
				<xsl:with-param name="texttosearch" select="substring-after($texttosearch,$texttofind)" /> 
				<xsl:with-param name="texttofind" select="$texttofind"/>
				<!-- nothing left to do except print remainder-->
				<xsl:value-of select="$texttosearch"/>

Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build better and bigger idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning. - Rick Cook
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