Hi, I'm running ColdFusion with a MySQL database.
I'm trying to run a multiple keyword search on designated columns in a single table. So, you can enter the requested terms on one page, and then the next page runs the query and spits out any matches.
I want to be able to search for LIKE matches, instead of exact matches. Anytime I run the query below, it works ok if you only enter a term in a single text box, but throws an error if more than 1 box is filled in.
<CFQUERY DATASOURCE="dataname" NAME="findmatch">
FROM #Member_Table#
<CFIF #form.search_last# is not ""> Last_Name LIKE '%#form.search_last#%' AND </CFIF>
<CFIF #form.search_Organization# is not ""> Organization LIKE '%#form.search_Organization#%' AND </CFIF>
<CFIF #form.search_id# is not ""> MemberID = '#form.search_id#' </CFIF>
<CFIF #form.search_state# is not ""> State_Province = '#form.search_state#' </CFIF>
<CFIF #form.search_zip# is not ""> Zip = '#form.search_zip#' </CFIF>
ORDER BY #Member_Order#
Thanks in advance for any help.
I'm trying to run a multiple keyword search on designated columns in a single table. So, you can enter the requested terms on one page, and then the next page runs the query and spits out any matches.
I want to be able to search for LIKE matches, instead of exact matches. Anytime I run the query below, it works ok if you only enter a term in a single text box, but throws an error if more than 1 box is filled in.
<CFQUERY DATASOURCE="dataname" NAME="findmatch">
FROM #Member_Table#
<CFIF #form.search_last# is not ""> Last_Name LIKE '%#form.search_last#%' AND </CFIF>
<CFIF #form.search_Organization# is not ""> Organization LIKE '%#form.search_Organization#%' AND </CFIF>
<CFIF #form.search_id# is not ""> MemberID = '#form.search_id#' </CFIF>
<CFIF #form.search_state# is not ""> State_Province = '#form.search_state#' </CFIF>
<CFIF #form.search_zip# is not ""> Zip = '#form.search_zip#' </CFIF>
ORDER BY #Member_Order#
Thanks in advance for any help.